9.5.01 HP P4000 SAN Solution User Guide (AX696-96168, February 2012)
14 SmartClone volumes
SmartClone are space-efficient copies of existing volumes or snapshots. They appear as multiple
volumes that share a common snapshot, called a clone point. They share this snapshot data on
the SAN. SmartClone volumes can be used to duplicate configurations or environments for
widespread use, quickly and without consuming disk space for duplicated data. Use the SmartClone
process to create up to 25 volumes in a single operation. Repeat the process to create more
volumes, or use the CLI to create larger quantities in a single scripted operation.volumes
What are SmartClone volumes?
SmartClone volumes can be created instantaneously and are fully featured, writable volumes. The
only difference between regular volumes, snapshots, and SmartClone volumes is that SmartClone
volumes are dependent on the clone point, that is, the snapshot they are created from. Additionally,
they may minimize space used on the SAN. For example, you create a volume with a specific OS
configuration. Then, using the SmartClone process, you create multiple volumes with access to that
same OS configuration, and yet you only need a single instance of the configuration. Only as
additional data is written to the different SmartClone volumes do those volumes consume additional
space on the SAN. The space you save is reflected on the Use Summary tab in the Cluster tab
window, described in “Cluster use summary” (page 149).
Multiple SmartClone volumes can be individually managed just like other volumes. SmartClone
volumes can be used long term in production environments. Examples of common uses for
SmartClone volumes:
• Deploy large quantities of virtual machine clones, including virtual servers and virtual desktops
• Copy production data for use in test and development environments
• Clone database volumes for data mining
• Create and deploy boot-from-SAN images
• You must have created a management group, cluster, and at least one volume.
• You must have enough space on the SAN for the configuration you are planning.
• You must be running SAN/iQ software version 8.0 or later.
SmartClone volume terminology
Table 50 (page 178) lists terms and definitions used for the SmartClone volumes feature. The
illustration in Figure 70 (page 179) shows how the SmartClone volumes and related elements look
in the CMC.
Table 50 Terms used for SmartClone features
A volume created using the SmartClone process. In
Figure 70 (page 179), the volume Volume_2 is a SmartClone
SmartClone Volume
The snapshot from which the SmartClone volumes are
created. The clone point cannot be deleted. In Figure 70
(page 179), the snapshot Volume_1_SS_3 is the clone point.
Clone point
Shared snapshots occur when a clone point is created from
a newer snapshot that has older snapshots below it in the
Shared snapshot
tree. Shared snapshots can be deleted. In Figure 70
178 SmartClone volumes