Web Tools Administrator's Guide (53-1001772-01, June 2010)

178 Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
E-mail notification
Note that for the FRU class, only the Name, State, and Time columns are displayed. In addition, if
the FRU area is Fan, the Name column refers to either a fan or a fan FRU, depending on the switch
model. Refer to “Viewing detailed fan hardware status” on page 142 for more information.
Use the following procedure to display the alarms page.
1. Open the Fabric Watch window.
2. In Fabric Watch Explorer, select the class that you want to check for alarms.
3. Select the Alarm Notification tab.
4. In Area Selection, select the area that you want to check for alarms from the list. All alarms for
that area display.
For troubleshooting responses to alarms, refer to the Fabric Watch Administrator’s Guide.
E-mail notification
You can be notified of an alarm condition through an e-mail alert. If you have configured alarms to
send an e-mail notification, you must also configure the e-mail server and the e-mail recipient, as
described in the following sections.
Configuring the e-mail server on a switch
You must set up the e-mail notification recipient’s DNS server and domain name on each switch for
which e-mail notification is enabled.
Use the following procedure to configure the alert e-mail address on the switch.
1. Open the Switch Administration window as described in “Opening the Switch Administration
window” on page 35.
2. Select the Switch tab.
3. In the DNS Configuration area, in the DNS Server 1 field, enter the primary domain Name
Server IP address. You can enter the IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format.
4. In the DNS Server 2 field, enter the secondary domain server IP address. You can enter the IP
address in IPv4 or IPv6 format.
5. In the Domain Name field, enter the domain name (between 4 and 32 characters).
TABLE 15 Alarm notification table fields
Field Description
Name The string assigned to the element that had an event
State The current state of the element
Reason The event type that was triggered
Last Value The data value of the element when the event was triggered
Current Value The current data value of the element
Time Time when the event occurred