Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

Fabric OS Command Reference 591
-r committed_rate
Specifies a committed rate for the data stream, in Kbps. If specified, the
traffic generator is limited by a traffic shaper. This characterizes the
end-to-end IP path performance based on the data rate configured for a
tunnel between the same end-points. If a rate is not specified, the traffic
generator competes for uncommitted bandwidth. This operand is optional.
-t running_time Specifies total time to run the test traffic stream, in seconds. If not specified,
the test runs continuously until aborted with Ctrl+c. This operand is optional.
-z size Specifies the size, in bytes, of the trace route packet to use. The default is 64
bytes. In an IPv4 environment, the ICMP/IP header occupies 28 bytes. In an
IPv6 environment, it occupies 48 bytes. The total size, including ICMP/IP
headers (28 or 48 bytes without IP options) cannot be greater than the IP
MTU configured on the interface. This operand is optional.
-v vlan_id Specifies the VLAN ID. Values must be in the range of 1 - 4094. There is no
default value. Note that a VLAN tag entry must exist on the local and remote
sides prior to issuing the -v option. A VLAN Tag table entry is dynamically
maintained by the ipperf application. See the portCfg help page for details on
creating a VLAN tag table.
-c L2 Class-of-Service
Specifies Class of Service/Priority, as defined by IEEE 802.1p. Valid values
are 0 to 7. The default is 0. This operand is optional with the -v option
The output of --ipperf output includes:
Sampling frequency(s)
The interval specified with --ipperf -i option or the default (30 seconds).
BW The bandwidth measured in the last interval. Bandwidth is defined as the
total packets and bytes sent. Note: BW represents what the FCIP tunnel / FC
application sees for throughput rather than the Ethernet on-the-wire bytes.
WBW The weighted bandwidth currently with a gain of 50 percent.
Loss (%) The number of TCP retransmits. This number is an average rate over the last
display interval.
Delay (ms) The TCP smoothed round-trip time (RTT) and variance estimate in
PMTU The path MTU. This is the largest IP-layer datagram that can be transmitted
over the end-to-end path without fragmentation. This value is measured in
bytes and includes the IP header and payload. Note: There is limited support
for black hole PMTU detection. If the Jumbo PMTU (anything over 1500) does
not work, --ipperf tries 1500 bytes. If 1500 PMTU fails, --ipperf tries the
lower PMTU of 1260 (the minimum PMTU supported for FCIP tunnels). If
1260 also fails, --ipperf gives up. There is no support for aging. During black
hole PMTU detection the BW, WBW, Loss and PMTU values printed may not
be accurate.
--ping Pings a destination IP address from one of the source IP interfaces on the
GbE port. Valid arguments include:
-s src_ip Specifies the source IP address that originates the ping request. IPv6
addresses are supported.