Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

Fabric OS Command Reference 517
TxSIDMsk Specify the transmitting source ID mask in dd:aa:pp format, with quotation
marks, where dd is the domain ID mask, aa is the Area ID mask, and pp is
AL_PA ID mask. For example, "00:ff:00" uses only the Area ID to trigger the EE
Specify the following values to turn a specific field on or off:
00 Specifies that the field does not trigger EE monitors.
ff Specifies that the field does triggers EE monitors.
TxDIDMsk Specify the transmitting Destination ID mask, in quotation marks, in dd:aa:pp
RxSIDMsk Specify the receiving Source ID mask, in quotation marks, in dd:aa:pp format.
RxDIDMsk Specify the destination ID mask, in quotation marks, in dd:aa:pp format
Examples To set the overall mask for end-to-end monitors on a port:
switch:admin> perfsetporteemask 1/6 "00:00:00" "ff:ff:ff" "00:ff:ff" "ff:00:00"
Changing EE mask for this port will cause ALL EE monitors on this port to be
continue? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
The EE mask on port 6 is set and EE Monitors on this port are deleted
See Also perfAddEEMonitor, perfShowPortEEMask