Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

194 Fabric OS Command Reference
0x00000800 Zoning has completed
0x00001000 Segmented by Platform Management
0x00002000 Segmented due to no license
0x00004000 Segmented due to E_Port disabling
0x00008000 DIA already sent for that port
0x00010000 RDI already sent
0x00020000 Port is true T port
0x00040000 Port received an ELP
0x00080000 Port received an ELP RJT
0x00100000 LR pending due to ELP RJT rcv
0x00200000 Received a DIA on this port
0x00400000 Port is the EMT Initiator
0x00800000 Security violation
0x01000000 Security incompatibility
0x02000000 Rcv a DIA ACC
0x040000000 Port is security authenticating
0x080000000 ECP RJT or retires exceeded
0x100000000 Segmented due to duplicated WWN
0x200000000 Segmented due to E_Port isolation
nbrWWN Neighboring switch's WWN
nbrPort Neighboring switch’s port
lr_tid Link reset timer identifier and current state.
red_ports All E_Ports that are connected to the same neighboring switch
Note The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may
be in place. Refer to chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS commands" and Appendix A, "Command
Availability" for details.
Operands This command has the following operands:
slotnumber For bladed systems only, specifies the slot number of the port to display,
followed by a slash (/).
portnumber Specifies the port number to display, relative to its slot for bladed systems.
Use switchShow to list valid ports.