Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

130 Fabric OS Command Reference
node_WWN Specifies the node WWN of the switch or chassis to which the encryption
engine belongs.
slot_number Specifies the encryption engine slot number on bladed systems.
--remove -haclustermember
Removes one or both encryption engine members from an already configured
HA cluster. This command is valid only on the group leader. This command
only removes the failover/failback capability for the removed EEs; it does not
affect the relationship between configured CryptoTarget containers and the
encryption engine that is removed from the HA cluster. The containers still
belong to this encryption engine and encryption operations continue.
The following operands are required with the --rem command:
node_WWN Specifies the WWN of the switch or chassis to which the encryption engine
slot_number Specifies the encryption engine slot number on bladed systems.
--replace Replaces an encryption engine, either failed or alive, with an alternate
encryption engine. All target associations for the current encryption engine
are transferred over to the alternate encryption engine when this command is
executed. The alternate encryption engine does not have to be part of the
current HA cluster. Upon successful replacement, the alternate encryption
engine automatically becomes part of the configured HA cluster and
disrupted peer relationships are repaired. This command is only valid on the
group leader.
The following operands are supported with the --replace command:
-haclustermember HA_cluster_name
Specifies the HA cluster member to be replaced. The HA cluster name must
be specified when this operand is used. This operand is optional. It is not
needed if the encryption engine to be replaced is not part of a HA cluster.
current_node_WWN [slot_number]
Specifies the WWN of the encryption engine to be replaced. This operand is
required. On bladed systems, include the encryption engine slot number.
new_node_WWN [slot_number]
Specifies the WWN of the encryption engine that is to replace the current
encryption engine. This operand is required. On bladed systems, include the
encryption engine’s slot number.
--show -hacluster Displays the specified HA clusters in the encryption group and associated
state information for all HA clusters or for a single, specified HA cluster. When
invoked on a member node, only the committed HA cluster configuration is
displayed. When invoked on the group leader, both defined and committed
configuration data is displayed. The following operands are mutually
-all Displays configuration information for all HA clusters.
Displays configuration information for a specified HA cluster.