Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Guide v6.1.0 (53-1000599-02, June 2008)
Table Of Contents
- Contents
- About This Document
- Using Fabric OS Commands
- Fabric OS Commands
- aaaConfig
- ad
- ag
- agshow
- aliAdd
- aliCreate
- aliDelete
- aliRemove
- aliShow
- aptPolicy
- auditCfg
- authUtil
- bannerSet
- bannerShow
- bcastShow
- bladeBeacon
- bladeDisable
- bladeEnable
- burninErrClear
- burninErrShow
- burninLevel
- burninStatus
- cfgActvShow
- cfgAdd
- cfgClear
- cfgCreate
- cfgDelete
- cfgDisable
- cfgEnable
- cfgMcdtmode
- cfgRemove
- cfgSave
- cfgSaveActiveToDefined
- cfgShow
- cfgSize
- cfgTransAbort
- cfgTransShow
- chassisConfig
- chassisName
- chassisShow
- cliHistory
- configDefault
- configDownload
- configList
- configRemove
- configShow
- configUpload
- configure
- dataTypeShow
- date
- dbgShow
- defZone
- diagClearError
- diagDisablePost
- diagEnablePost
- diagHelp
- diagPost
- diagRetry
- diagSetBurnin
- diagSetCycle
- diagShow
- diagSkipTests
- diagStopBurnin
- dbgShow
- distribute
- dlsReset
- dlsSet
- dlsShow
- dnsConfig
- enclosureShow
- errClear
- errDelimiterSet
- errDump
- errFilterSet
- errModuleShow
- errShow
- exit
- fabPortShow
- fabRetryShow
- fabricLog
- fabricPrincipal
- fabricShow
- fabStatsShow
- fabSwitchShow
- fanDisable
- fanEnable
- fanShow
- fastboot
- fastwritecfg
- fcipChipTest
- fcipHelp
- fcipPathTest
- fcLunQuery
- fcPing
- fcpLogClear
- fcpLogDisable
- fcpLogEnable
- fcpLogShow
- fcpProbeShow
- fcpRlsShow
- fcrBcastConfig
- fcrChipTest
- fcrConfigure
- fcrFabricShow
- fcrLsanCount
- fcrLsanMatrix
- fcrPathTest
- fcrPhyDevShow
- fcrProxyConfig
- fcrProxyDevShow
- fcrResourceShow
- fcrRouterPortCost
- fcrRouteShow
- fcrXlateConfig
- fddCfg
- fdmiCacheShow
- fdmiShow
- ficonClear
- ficonCupSet
- ficonCupShow
- ficonHelp
- ficonShow
- fipsCfg
- firmwareCommit
- firmwareDownload
- firmwareDownloadStatus
- firmwareKeyShow
- firmwareKeyUpdate
- firmwareRestore
- firmwareShow
- fosConfig
- fruReplace
- fspfShow
- fwAlarmsFilterSet
- fwAlarmsFilterShow
- fwClassInit
- fwConfigReload
- fwConfigure
- fwFruCfg
- fwHelp
- fwMailCfg
- fwPortDetailShow
- fwSamShow
- fwSet
- fwSetToCustom
- fwSetToDefault
- fwShow
- h
- haDisable
- haDump
- haEnable
- haFailover
- haShow
- haSyncStart
- haSyncStop
- help
- historyLastShow
- historyMode
- historyShow
- httpCfgShow
- i
- iclCfg
- ifModeSet
- ifModeShow
- interfaceShow
- interopMode
- iodDelayReset
- iodDelaySet
- iodDelayShow
- iodReset
- iodSet
- iodShow
- ipAddrSet
- ipAddrShow
- ipfilter
- iscsiCfg
- iscsiChipTest
- iscsiHelp
- iscsiPathTest
- iscsiPortCfg
- iscsiSessionCfg
- iscsiSwCfg
- islShow
- isnscCfg
- itemList
- killTelnet
- ldapCfg
- licenseAdd
- licenseHelp
- licenseIdShow
- licensePort
- licenseRemove
- licenseShow
- linkCost
- login
- logout
- lsanZoneShow
- lsDbShow
- memShow
- miniCycle
- msCapabilityShow
- msConfigure
- msPlatShow
- msPlatShowDBCB
- msPlClearDB
- msPlMgmtActivate
- msPlMgmtDeactivate
- msTdDisable
- msTdEnable
- msTdReadConfig
- myId
- nbrStateShow
- nbrStatsClear
- nodeFind
- nsAliasShow
- nsAllShow
- nsCamShow
- nsShow
- nsZoneMember
- passwd
- passwdCfg
- pathInfo
- pdShow
- perfAddEEMonitor
- perfAddIPMonitor
- perfAddReadMonitor
- perfAddRWMonitor
- perfAddSCSIMonitor
- perfAddUserMonitor
- perfAddWriteMonitor
- perfCfgClear
- perfCfgRestore
- perfCfgSave
- perfClearAlpaCrc
- perfDelEEMonitor
- perfDelFilterMonitor
- perfHelp
- perfMonitorClear
- perfMonitorShow
- perfSetPortEEMask
- perfShowAlpaCrc
- perfShowPortEEMask
- perfTTmon
- pkiCreate
- pkiRemove
- pkiShow
- policy
- portAlpaShow
- portBufferShow
- portCamShow
- portCfg
- portCfgAlpa
- portCfgCreditRecovery
- portCfgDefault
- portCfgEPort
- portCfgEXPort
- portCfgGPort
- portCfgISLMode
- portCfgLongDistance
- portCfgLPort
- portCfgNPIVPort
- portCfgNPort
- portCfgPersistentDisable
- portCfgPersistentEnable
- PortCfgQos
- portCfgShow
- portCfgSpeed
- portCfgTrunkPort
- portCfgVEXPort
- portCmd
- portDebug
- portDisable
- portEnable
- portErrShow
- portFlagsShow
- portLedTest
- portLogClear
- portLogConfigShow
- portLogDisable
- portLogDump
- portLogDumpPort
- portLogEnable
- portLogEventShow
- portLoginShow
- portLogPdisc
- portLogReset
- portLogResize
- portLogShow
- portLogShowPort
- portLogTypeDisable
- portLogTypeEnable
- portLoopbackTest
- portMirror
- portName
- portPerfShow
- portRouteShow
- portShow
- portStats64Show
- portStatsClear
- portStatsShow
- portSwap
- portSwapDisable
- portSwapEnable
- portSwapShow
- portTest
- portTestShow
- portTrunkArea
- portZoneShow
- powerOffListSet
- powerOffListShow
- psShow
- reboot
- routeHelp
- secActiveSize
- secAuthSecret
- secCertUtil
- secDefineSize
- secGlobalShow
- secHelp
- secPolicyAbort
- secPolicyActivate
- secPolicyAdd
- secPolicyCreate
- secPolicyDelete
- secPolicyDump
- secPolicyFCSMove
- secPolicyRemove
- secPolicySave
- secPolicyShow
- secStatsReset
- secStatsShow
- sensorShow
- setDbg
- setModem
- setVerbose
- sfpShow
- shellFlowControlDisable
- shellFlowControlEnable
- slotPowerOff
- slotPowerOn
- slotShow
- snmpConfig
- spinFab
- sshUtil
- statsClear
- stopPortTest
- supportFfdc
- supportFtp
- supportSave
- supportShow
- supportShowCfgDisable
- supportShowCfgEnable
- supportShowCfgShow
- switchBeacon
- switchCfgPersistentDisable
- switchCfgPersistentEnable
- switchCfgSpeed
- switchCfgTrunk
- switchDisable
- switchEnable
- switchName
- switchShow
- switchStatusPolicySet
- switchStatusPolicyShow
- switchStatusShow
- switchUptime
- switchViolation
- syslogdFacility
- syslogdIpAdd
- syslogdIpRemove
- syslogdIpShow
- sysShutDown
- systemVerification
- tempShow
- timeOut
- topologyShow
- traceDump
- trackChangesHelp
- trackChangesSet
- trackChangesShow
- trunkDebug
- trunkShow
- tsClockServer
- tsTimeZone
- turboRamTest
- upTime
- uRouteConfig
- uRouteRemove
- uRouteShow
- usbStorage
- userConfig
- userRename
- version
- wwn
- zone
- zoneAdd
- zoneCreate
- zoneDelete
- zoneHelp
- zoneObjectCopy
- zoneObjectExpunge
- zoneObjectRename
- zoneRemove
- zoneShow
- Primary FCS commands
- Control Processor Commands
- Command availability
- Index
30 Fabric OS Command Reference
Displays the Access Gateway information registered with the fabric.
Synopsis agshow --name [ag_name] | [--local]
Description This command displays the details of the F_Ports and the configured N_Ports in the Access
Gateway attached to the fabric shows the following information.
Name The name of the Access Gateway.
Ports The number of ports in the Access Gateway.
Enet IP Addr The IP address of the Access Gateway.
Firmware Current firmware running on the Access Gateway.
Local/Remote Indicates whether the Access Gateway is locally or remotely registered to this
World Wide Name The World Wide Name (WWN) of the given Access Gateway.
N-Port ID(s) The port ids of the N_Ports configured in the given Access Gateway.
N-Ports The number of configured N_Ports that are online.
F-Ports The number of F_Ports that are online.
Attached F-Port information
Displays the PortID and the Port WWN of each F_Port that is online on the
Access Gateway.
Note NPIV capability should be enabled on the ports connected to the Access Gateway. Use
portCfgNPIVPort to enable NPIV capability on the specific port.
Operands This command has the following optional operands:
ag_name Use this option to display the information regarding a specific Access Gateway
that is registered with this fabric.
--local Use this option to display the information of all Access Gateways that are
locally registered to this switch
Examples To display the Access Gateway information registered with the fabric:
switch:admin> agshow --name WT_Stealth
Name : WT_Stealth
World Wide Name : 10:00:00:05:1e:34:e4:bd
N-Port ID(s) : 0x010200
Number of Ports : 16
IP Address(es) :
Firmware Version : v1.0.0
N-Ports : 1
F-Ports : 2
Attached F-Port information:
PortID Port WWN
0x010208 10:00:00:00:c9:3f:7c:86
0x01020a 10:00:00:00:c9:3f:7c:b9