Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Guide v6.1.0 (53-1000599-02, June 2008)
Table Of Contents
- Contents
- About This Document
- Using Fabric OS Commands
- Fabric OS Commands
- aaaConfig
- ad
- ag
- agshow
- aliAdd
- aliCreate
- aliDelete
- aliRemove
- aliShow
- aptPolicy
- auditCfg
- authUtil
- bannerSet
- bannerShow
- bcastShow
- bladeBeacon
- bladeDisable
- bladeEnable
- burninErrClear
- burninErrShow
- burninLevel
- burninStatus
- cfgActvShow
- cfgAdd
- cfgClear
- cfgCreate
- cfgDelete
- cfgDisable
- cfgEnable
- cfgMcdtmode
- cfgRemove
- cfgSave
- cfgSaveActiveToDefined
- cfgShow
- cfgSize
- cfgTransAbort
- cfgTransShow
- chassisConfig
- chassisName
- chassisShow
- cliHistory
- configDefault
- configDownload
- configList
- configRemove
- configShow
- configUpload
- configure
- dataTypeShow
- date
- dbgShow
- defZone
- diagClearError
- diagDisablePost
- diagEnablePost
- diagHelp
- diagPost
- diagRetry
- diagSetBurnin
- diagSetCycle
- diagShow
- diagSkipTests
- diagStopBurnin
- dbgShow
- distribute
- dlsReset
- dlsSet
- dlsShow
- dnsConfig
- enclosureShow
- errClear
- errDelimiterSet
- errDump
- errFilterSet
- errModuleShow
- errShow
- exit
- fabPortShow
- fabRetryShow
- fabricLog
- fabricPrincipal
- fabricShow
- fabStatsShow
- fabSwitchShow
- fanDisable
- fanEnable
- fanShow
- fastboot
- fastwritecfg
- fcipChipTest
- fcipHelp
- fcipPathTest
- fcLunQuery
- fcPing
- fcpLogClear
- fcpLogDisable
- fcpLogEnable
- fcpLogShow
- fcpProbeShow
- fcpRlsShow
- fcrBcastConfig
- fcrChipTest
- fcrConfigure
- fcrFabricShow
- fcrLsanCount
- fcrLsanMatrix
- fcrPathTest
- fcrPhyDevShow
- fcrProxyConfig
- fcrProxyDevShow
- fcrResourceShow
- fcrRouterPortCost
- fcrRouteShow
- fcrXlateConfig
- fddCfg
- fdmiCacheShow
- fdmiShow
- ficonClear
- ficonCupSet
- ficonCupShow
- ficonHelp
- ficonShow
- fipsCfg
- firmwareCommit
- firmwareDownload
- firmwareDownloadStatus
- firmwareKeyShow
- firmwareKeyUpdate
- firmwareRestore
- firmwareShow
- fosConfig
- fruReplace
- fspfShow
- fwAlarmsFilterSet
- fwAlarmsFilterShow
- fwClassInit
- fwConfigReload
- fwConfigure
- fwFruCfg
- fwHelp
- fwMailCfg
- fwPortDetailShow
- fwSamShow
- fwSet
- fwSetToCustom
- fwSetToDefault
- fwShow
- h
- haDisable
- haDump
- haEnable
- haFailover
- haShow
- haSyncStart
- haSyncStop
- help
- historyLastShow
- historyMode
- historyShow
- httpCfgShow
- i
- iclCfg
- ifModeSet
- ifModeShow
- interfaceShow
- interopMode
- iodDelayReset
- iodDelaySet
- iodDelayShow
- iodReset
- iodSet
- iodShow
- ipAddrSet
- ipAddrShow
- ipfilter
- iscsiCfg
- iscsiChipTest
- iscsiHelp
- iscsiPathTest
- iscsiPortCfg
- iscsiSessionCfg
- iscsiSwCfg
- islShow
- isnscCfg
- itemList
- killTelnet
- ldapCfg
- licenseAdd
- licenseHelp
- licenseIdShow
- licensePort
- licenseRemove
- licenseShow
- linkCost
- login
- logout
- lsanZoneShow
- lsDbShow
- memShow
- miniCycle
- msCapabilityShow
- msConfigure
- msPlatShow
- msPlatShowDBCB
- msPlClearDB
- msPlMgmtActivate
- msPlMgmtDeactivate
- msTdDisable
- msTdEnable
- msTdReadConfig
- myId
- nbrStateShow
- nbrStatsClear
- nodeFind
- nsAliasShow
- nsAllShow
- nsCamShow
- nsShow
- nsZoneMember
- passwd
- passwdCfg
- pathInfo
- pdShow
- perfAddEEMonitor
- perfAddIPMonitor
- perfAddReadMonitor
- perfAddRWMonitor
- perfAddSCSIMonitor
- perfAddUserMonitor
- perfAddWriteMonitor
- perfCfgClear
- perfCfgRestore
- perfCfgSave
- perfClearAlpaCrc
- perfDelEEMonitor
- perfDelFilterMonitor
- perfHelp
- perfMonitorClear
- perfMonitorShow
- perfSetPortEEMask
- perfShowAlpaCrc
- perfShowPortEEMask
- perfTTmon
- pkiCreate
- pkiRemove
- pkiShow
- policy
- portAlpaShow
- portBufferShow
- portCamShow
- portCfg
- portCfgAlpa
- portCfgCreditRecovery
- portCfgDefault
- portCfgEPort
- portCfgEXPort
- portCfgGPort
- portCfgISLMode
- portCfgLongDistance
- portCfgLPort
- portCfgNPIVPort
- portCfgNPort
- portCfgPersistentDisable
- portCfgPersistentEnable
- PortCfgQos
- portCfgShow
- portCfgSpeed
- portCfgTrunkPort
- portCfgVEXPort
- portCmd
- portDebug
- portDisable
- portEnable
- portErrShow
- portFlagsShow
- portLedTest
- portLogClear
- portLogConfigShow
- portLogDisable
- portLogDump
- portLogDumpPort
- portLogEnable
- portLogEventShow
- portLoginShow
- portLogPdisc
- portLogReset
- portLogResize
- portLogShow
- portLogShowPort
- portLogTypeDisable
- portLogTypeEnable
- portLoopbackTest
- portMirror
- portName
- portPerfShow
- portRouteShow
- portShow
- portStats64Show
- portStatsClear
- portStatsShow
- portSwap
- portSwapDisable
- portSwapEnable
- portSwapShow
- portTest
- portTestShow
- portTrunkArea
- portZoneShow
- powerOffListSet
- powerOffListShow
- psShow
- reboot
- routeHelp
- secActiveSize
- secAuthSecret
- secCertUtil
- secDefineSize
- secGlobalShow
- secHelp
- secPolicyAbort
- secPolicyActivate
- secPolicyAdd
- secPolicyCreate
- secPolicyDelete
- secPolicyDump
- secPolicyFCSMove
- secPolicyRemove
- secPolicySave
- secPolicyShow
- secStatsReset
- secStatsShow
- sensorShow
- setDbg
- setModem
- setVerbose
- sfpShow
- shellFlowControlDisable
- shellFlowControlEnable
- slotPowerOff
- slotPowerOn
- slotShow
- snmpConfig
- spinFab
- sshUtil
- statsClear
- stopPortTest
- supportFfdc
- supportFtp
- supportSave
- supportShow
- supportShowCfgDisable
- supportShowCfgEnable
- supportShowCfgShow
- switchBeacon
- switchCfgPersistentDisable
- switchCfgPersistentEnable
- switchCfgSpeed
- switchCfgTrunk
- switchDisable
- switchEnable
- switchName
- switchShow
- switchStatusPolicySet
- switchStatusPolicyShow
- switchStatusShow
- switchUptime
- switchViolation
- syslogdFacility
- syslogdIpAdd
- syslogdIpRemove
- syslogdIpShow
- sysShutDown
- systemVerification
- tempShow
- timeOut
- topologyShow
- traceDump
- trackChangesHelp
- trackChangesSet
- trackChangesShow
- trunkDebug
- trunkShow
- tsClockServer
- tsTimeZone
- turboRamTest
- upTime
- uRouteConfig
- uRouteRemove
- uRouteShow
- usbStorage
- userConfig
- userRename
- version
- wwn
- zone
- zoneAdd
- zoneCreate
- zoneDelete
- zoneHelp
- zoneObjectCopy
- zoneObjectExpunge
- zoneObjectRename
- zoneRemove
- zoneShow
- Primary FCS commands
- Control Processor Commands
- Command availability
- Index
182 Fabric OS Command Reference
Displays FC Router route information.
Synopsis fcrrouterportcost [[slotnumber/]portnumber] [cost]
Description Use this command to set or display the cost of the router ports. The cost of the link is a
dimensionless positive number (which can be 0 or 1000 or 10000). The router module chooses
the router port path based on the minimum cost per FID connection. If multiple paths exist with the
same minimum cost, the load is shared over these paths.
Every IFL has a default cost. For an EX_Port IFL, the default cost is 1000. For a VEX port, the default
cost is 10000.
If the cost is set to 0, the default cost is used for that IFL.
To set the cost, make sure that admin is enabled for the EX_Port/VEX_Port with portCfgEXPort or
portCfgVEXPort. The cost can be set only on a disabled port.
If no operands are specified, this command displays the current link costs for all ports on the
Note The execution of this command is subject to Admin Domain restrictions that may be in place. Refer
to chapter 1, “Understanding Admin Domain Restrictions” and Appendix A, “Command Availability”
for details.
Operands This command has the following operands:
slotnumber For bladed systems only, specify the slot number of the port whose cost is to
be displayed or changed, followed by a slash (/).
portnumber Specify the number of the port whose cost is to be displayed or changed. This
value is relative to the slot for bladed systems. Use switchShow for a list of
valid ports. If omitted, this command displays the costs of all ports.
cost Specify the new cost of the link connected to the specified port. This operand
is optional; if omitted, this command displays the cost of the specified port.
The cost of the link can be changed only when the specified port is disabled.
Valid values for cost are 0, 1000 or 10000.
Examples To display the cost of all EX_Ports:
switch:admin> fcrrouterportcost
Port Cost
7/3 1000
7/4 1000
7/9 1000
7/10 1000
7/16 10000
10/0 10000