6.5 HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide
Table Of Contents
- HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide
- Contents
- 1 General CLI information
- 2 StoreAll commands
- ibrix_activedirectory
- ibrix_archiving
- ibrix_audit_reports
- ibrix_auth
- ibrix_av
- ibrix_avconfig
- ibrix_avquarantine
- ibrix_avscan
- ibrix_caseinsensitive
- ibrix_certificate
- ibrix_chassis
- ibrix_cifs
- ibrix_cifsconfig
- ibrix_cifsmonitor
- ibrix_cifsperms
- ibrix_client
- ibrix_cluster
- ibrix_clusterconfig
- ibrix_collect
- ibrix_crr
- ibrix_crreq
- ibrix_crr_export
- ibrix_crrhealth
- ibrix_crr_nic
- ibrix_datavalidation
- ibrix_dbck
- ibrix_df
- ibrix_edquota
- ibrix_evacuate
- ibrix_event
- ibrix_exportfs
- ibrix_fm
- ibrix_fm_tune
- ibrix_fs
- Description
- Synopsis
- Create a file system
- View information about file systems
- Extend a file system
- Audit log expiration policy
- Archiving/auditing synchronizer (Retention Expiration and Autocommit)
- Delete a file system
- Migrate segment ownership
- Enable or disable quotas
- Enable, disable, or display Express Query and auditing settings
- Mark a bad segment
- Enable or disable Export Control
- Assign or delete a standby server for the specified segments
- Options
- See also
- ibrix_fs_ops
- ibrix_fs_tune
- ibrix_fsck
- ibrix_ftpconfig
- ibrix_ftpshare
- ibrix_haconfig
- ibrix_hba
- ibrix_health
- ibrix_healthconfig
- ibrix_host_tune
- ibrix_hostgroup
- ibrix_hostpower
- ibrix_httpconfig
- ibrix_httpshare
- ibrix_httpvhost
- ibrix_idmapping
- ibrix_ldapconfig
- ibrix_ldapidmapping
- ibrix_license
- ibrix_localgroups
- ibrix_localusers
- ibrix_lookup
- ibrix_lv
- ibrix_lwhost
- ibrix_lwmount
- ibrix_lwumount
- ibrix_migrator
- ibrix_mount
- ibrix_mountpoint
- ibrix_ndmpconfig
- ibrix_ndmpsession
- ibrix_nic
- ibrix_objectstore
- ibrix_objectstoreadmin
- ibrix_objectstoremonitor
- ibrix_onlinequotacheck
- ibrix_phonehome
- ibrix_powersrc
- ibrix_profile
- ibrix_pv
- ibrix_rebalance
- ibrix_reports
- ibrix_reten_adm
- ibrix_server
- ibrix_snap
- ibrix_snapreclamation
- ibrix_snmpagent
- ibrix_snmpgroup
- ibrix_snmptrap
- ibrix_snmpuser
- ibrix_snmpview
- ibrix_stats
- ibrix_tape
- ibrix_task
- ibrix_tier
- ibrix_top
- ibrix_umount
- ibrix_usernamemapping
- ibrix_version
- ibrix_vg
- ibrix_vs
- ibrix_vs_snap
- ibrix_vs_snap_strategy
- MDexport
- MDimport
- upgrade60.sh
- verify_client_update
- 3 Support and other resources
- 4 Documentation feedback
- Glossary
- Index
Maintains the list of NFS-exported file systems and specifies file system access for StoreAll clients.
ibrix_exportfs makes local directories available for NFS clients to mount. The Fusion Manager
manages the table of exported file systems and distributes the information to local /etc/exports
files. All entries are automatically re-exported to NFS clients and, optionally, to the file serving
node standbys. A file system must be mounted before it can be exported. It must be unexported
before it can be unmounted.
The ibrix_exportfs command can also be used to control file-system access for StoreAll clients.
By default, all StoreAll clients can mount a file system after a mount point has been created. To
allow access for a file system (or a subdirectory of that file system) to a specific StoreAll client, use
the -c option to create an access entry containing that information. Then, when a StoreAll client
attempts to mount the file system, StoreAll software will allow access only to the clients in the access
Export a file system via NFS:
ibrix_exportfs -f FSNAME -h HOSTNAME -p
File system FSNAME at mount point PATHNAME on file serving node HOSTNAME is exported to the
specified CLIENTS. The accessing CLIENT can be a single file serving node, file serving nodes
represented by a wildcard, or all hosts (*:/PATHNAME), which is also known as world access.
World access omits the client specification but not the colon, for example, :/usr/src. By default,
the file system is exported to the NFS client’s standby. To exclude the standby, include the -b
option. The command uses the default Linux exportfs options unless specific options are provided.
NOTE: When configuring options for an NFS export, do not use the no_subtree_check
option. This option is not compatible with the StoreAll software.
Unexport the specified NFS exports:
The -b option excludes the standby.
List NFS-exported directories:
ibrix_exportfs -l [-h HOSTLIST]
To specify a range of servers in the host list, enter the pattern to match, enclosed in square brackets.
Separate items in a list with commas.
Create an access entry for a file system:
ibrix_exportfs -c -f FSNAME -p CLIENT1:PATHNAME1,CLIENT2:PATHNAME2,..
By default, all StoreAll clients can mount a file system after a mount point has been created. This
command limits the clients that can mount the file system or a subdirectory of the file system. The
-p option specifies the clients and the file systems (or subdirectories) that they are allowed access.
CLIENT is the name of a StoreAll client or host group and /PATHNAME is the file system or
subdirectory the client will be allowed to mount.
For example, the following command gives client2 access to the subdirectory /ifs1/tests in
the ifs1 file system:
ibrix_exportfs -c -f ifs1 -p client2:/ifs1/tests
70 StoreAll commands