6.5 HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide
Table Of Contents
- HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide
- Contents
- 1 General CLI information
- 2 StoreAll commands
- ibrix_activedirectory
- ibrix_archiving
- ibrix_audit_reports
- ibrix_auth
- ibrix_av
- ibrix_avconfig
- ibrix_avquarantine
- ibrix_avscan
- ibrix_caseinsensitive
- ibrix_certificate
- ibrix_chassis
- ibrix_cifs
- ibrix_cifsconfig
- ibrix_cifsmonitor
- ibrix_cifsperms
- ibrix_client
- ibrix_cluster
- ibrix_clusterconfig
- ibrix_collect
- ibrix_crr
- ibrix_crreq
- ibrix_crr_export
- ibrix_crrhealth
- ibrix_crr_nic
- ibrix_datavalidation
- ibrix_dbck
- ibrix_df
- ibrix_edquota
- ibrix_evacuate
- ibrix_event
- ibrix_exportfs
- ibrix_fm
- ibrix_fm_tune
- ibrix_fs
- Description
- Synopsis
- Create a file system
- View information about file systems
- Extend a file system
- Audit log expiration policy
- Archiving/auditing synchronizer (Retention Expiration and Autocommit)
- Delete a file system
- Migrate segment ownership
- Enable or disable quotas
- Enable, disable, or display Express Query and auditing settings
- Mark a bad segment
- Enable or disable Export Control
- Assign or delete a standby server for the specified segments
- Options
- See also
- ibrix_fs_ops
- ibrix_fs_tune
- ibrix_fsck
- ibrix_ftpconfig
- ibrix_ftpshare
- ibrix_haconfig
- ibrix_hba
- ibrix_health
- ibrix_healthconfig
- ibrix_host_tune
- ibrix_hostgroup
- ibrix_hostpower
- ibrix_httpconfig
- ibrix_httpshare
- ibrix_httpvhost
- ibrix_idmapping
- ibrix_ldapconfig
- ibrix_ldapidmapping
- ibrix_license
- ibrix_localgroups
- ibrix_localusers
- ibrix_lookup
- ibrix_lv
- ibrix_lwhost
- ibrix_lwmount
- ibrix_lwumount
- ibrix_migrator
- ibrix_mount
- ibrix_mountpoint
- ibrix_ndmpconfig
- ibrix_ndmpsession
- ibrix_nic
- ibrix_objectstore
- ibrix_objectstoreadmin
- ibrix_objectstoremonitor
- ibrix_onlinequotacheck
- ibrix_phonehome
- ibrix_powersrc
- ibrix_profile
- ibrix_pv
- ibrix_rebalance
- ibrix_reports
- ibrix_reten_adm
- ibrix_server
- ibrix_snap
- ibrix_snapreclamation
- ibrix_snmpagent
- ibrix_snmpgroup
- ibrix_snmptrap
- ibrix_snmpuser
- ibrix_snmpview
- ibrix_stats
- ibrix_tape
- ibrix_task
- ibrix_tier
- ibrix_top
- ibrix_umount
- ibrix_usernamemapping
- ibrix_version
- ibrix_vg
- ibrix_vs
- ibrix_vs_snap
- ibrix_vs_snap_strategy
- MDexport
- MDimport
- upgrade60.sh
- verify_client_update
- 3 Support and other resources
- 4 Documentation feedback
- Glossary
- Index
The following script includes files beginning with a dot, such as .this. (This includes file uploaded
to the file system, not file system files such as the .archiving tree.)
find /ibrixFS/mydir -type d -exec ibrix_reten_adm -h -f ibrixFS -P
{}/*,{}/.??* \;
Deleting files administratively removes them from the file system, regardless of the data retention
policy applied to the files.
Set a legal hold on retained or WORM files:
ibrix_reten_adm -h -f FSNAME -P PATHLIST
A legal hold locks the file and the data retention policy in place on the file system will be ignored.
For example, the expiration time does not apply to the file.
Remove a legal hold on retained or WORM files:
ibrix_reten_adm -r -f FSNAME -P PATHLIST
When a legal hold is removed, the original data retention policy applies to the file.
Reset the expiration time for retained files:
ibrix_reten_adm -e expire_time -f FSNAME -P PATHLIST
If you specify an interval such as 20m (20 minutes) for the expire_time, the retention expiration
time is set to that amount of time in the future starting from now, not that amount of time from the
original start of retention. If you specify an exact date/time such as 19:20:02 or 2/16/2012 for
the expire_time, the command sets the retention expiration time to that exact time. If the file
system is in Relaxed retention mode (not Enterprise), the exact date/time can be in the past, in
which case the file immediately expires from retention and becomes WORM but no longer retained.
See the Linux date(1) man page for a description of the valid date/time formats for the
expire_time parameter.
Remove the retention period for retained files:
ibrix_reten_adm -c -f FSNAME -P PATHLIST
Delete retained files:
ibrix_reten_adm -d -f FSNAME -P PATHLIST
List retention attributes for files in the specified file system:
ibrix_reten_adm -l FSNAME -P PATHLIST
Upgrade a pre–6.1.1 file system for data retention features:
ibrix_reten_adm -u -f FSNAME
To enable data retention:
1. If you have a pre-6.0 file system, run the upgrade60.sh utility, as described in
“upgrade60.sh” (page 216).
2. Run the following command on a node that has the file system mounted:
ibrix_reten_adm -u -f FSNAME
In this instance, FSNAME is the name of the file system you want to upgrade for data retention
The command enables data retention and unmounts the file system on the node.
3. After the command finishes upgrading the file system, re-mount the file system.
4. Enter the ibrix_fs command to set the file system’s data retention and autocommit period
to the desired values. See “ibrix_fs” (page 78) for additional information about the ibrix_fs
ibrix_reten_adm 177