6.3 HP StoreAll Storage Command Line Reference Guide (TA768-96091, June 2013)

Sets up email and SNMP notifications of cluster events, displays event messages, and removes
event messages from the events table.
Use ibrix_event to set up two types of event notifications:
Email notification, which sends to one or more addresses an email containing the event, the
originating server, the severity level, a timestamp, an autogenerated number, and the Fusion
Manager name.
SNMP notification, which sends an SNMP trap to one or more trapsinks.
StoreAll software events fall into categories based on level of severity:
Alerts: Disruptive events that can result in loss of access to file system data. For example, a
segment is unavailable or a server is unreachable.
Warnings: Potentially disruptive conditions in which file system access is not lost, but if the
situation is not addressed it can escalate to an alert condition. For example, reaching a very
high server CPU utilization or nearing a quota limit.
Information: Events occurring under normal or non-threatening conditions that change the
cluster. For example, creating a segment or mounting a file system.
To set up email notifications, first associate events and email recipients with ibrix_event -c
and then configure settings and initiate the notification process with ibrix_event -m. Sender
and recipient email addresses must be known to the SMTP server.
To set up SNMP notifications, first associate events and trapsinks with ibrix_event -c and
then configure notification settings and initiate the notification process with ibrix_snmptrap
Configure email notification settings:
ibrix_event -m on|off -s SMTP -f from [-r reply-to] [-t Subject]
When -m on is specified, all options are required.
Associate events with email addresses:
The -e option associates events with event types. You can enter any combination of types or a list
of messages. Omit the -e option to associate all event types. For example, to associate all Alert
events and two Info events to admin@mycompany.com:
ibrix_event -c -e ALERT,server.registered,filesystem.created
-m admin@mycompany.com
Associate events with trapsinks:
Specify the hostname or IP address of the trapsink. The -e option associates events with event
types. Omit the -e option to associate all event types. For example, to associate all Alert events
and two Info events with a trapsink at IP address, enter:
ibrix_event -c -y SNMP -e ALERT,server.registered,
filesystem.created -m
Test the supplied email address:
ibrix_event -u -n EMAILADDRESS
ibrix_event 59