6.3 HP StoreAll Storage Command Line Reference Guide (TA768-96091, June 2013)

Delete all data collection sets:
ibrix_collect -d -F
Show details for the specified data collection:
ibrix_collect -v -n NAME
The details include the description, state, initiator, and time of invocation.
List the details of all data collections:
ibrix_collect -l
For each collection, the output reports the collection name, description, state, time of invocation,
and initiator.
List the ibrix_collect configuration:
ibrix_collect -i
Configures ibrix_collect.-C options
Enables or disables automatic collection at the time of a system crash.-a YES/NO
Invokes the collection of logs and command output.-c
Deletes a specific data collection set.-d
Deletes all data collection sets.-F
Specifies the email ID from which the cluster configuration will be sent.-f FROM
Lists the ibrix_collect configuration information.-i
Lists the details of all data collections.-l
Enables or disables sending the cluster configuration by email at the end of collection.-m YES/NO
Specifies the name of a data collection.-n NAME
Specifies the number of data sets to be retained on the cluster nodes.-r NUMBER
Specifies the SMTP server to which the cluster configuration will be sent.-s SMTPSERVER
Specifies the email IDs to which the cluster configuration will be sent.-t TO
Shows details about a data collection.-v
Shows the usage for this command.-?
Obtaining custom logging from ibrix_collect add-on scripts
You can create add-on scripts that capture custom StoreAll and operating system commands and
logs. To activate an add-on script, place it in the specified location, and the add-on script will run
when the ibrix_collect command is executed. Output of these add-on scripts is packaged
into IbrixCollect tar files.
Table 1 ibrix_collect add-on scripts
Where to find more information?DescriptionStep
“Creating an add-on script” (page 41)Create an add-on script.1
“Running an add-on script” (page 42)Run the add-on script.2
“Viewing the output from an add-on script”
(page 42)
View the output from the add-on script.3
40 StoreAll software commands