6.3 HP StoreAll Storage Command Line Reference Guide (TA768-96091, June 2013)

Manages SSL certificates.
Servers accepting FTPS and HTTPS connections typically provide an SSL certificate that verifies the
identity and owner of the web site being accessed. You can add your existing certificates to the
cluster, enabling file serving nodes to present the appropriate certificate to FTPS and HTTPS clients.
StoreAll software supports PEM certificates.
When you add an SSL certificate file to the cluster, the file must contain both the certificate contents
(the .crt file) and the private key (the .key file). The certificate file must use PEM encoding, must
include the headers and footers from the .crt and .key files, and cannot contain any extra
spaces. See the HP StoreAll Storage File System User Guide for details about creating certificate
files in the format required by StoreAll software.
When you configure the FTP share or the HTTP vhost, you can select the certificate to be used for
Add a certificate:
ibrix_certificate -a -c CERTNAME -p CERTPATH
For example:
# ibrix_certificate -a -c mycert -p
Run the command from the active Fusion Manager. To add a certificate for a different node, copy
that certificate to the active Fusion Manager and then add it to the cluster. For example, if node
ib87 is hosting the active Fusion Manager and you have generated a certificate for node ib86,
copy the certificate to ib87:
scp server.pem ib87/tmp
Then, on node ib87, add the certificate to the cluster:
ibrix_certificate -a -c cert86 -p /tmp/server.pem
Modify a certificate:
ibrix_certificate -m -c CERTNAME
Delete a certificate:
ibrix_certificate -d -c CERTNAME
Display information about certificates:
ibrix_certificate -i [-c CERTNAME]
Export a certificate:
ibrix_certificate -e -c CERTNAME
This command displays the contents of the certificate. You can then copy and save the contents
for future use.
Adds a certificate.-a
Specifies the name of a certificate.-c CERTNAME
Deletes a certificate.-d
24 StoreAll software commands