6.3 HP StoreAll Storage Command Line Reference Guide (TA768-96091, June 2013)

Collects and presents live views of file system, host, and segment activity. The command can be
run on either file serving nodes or StoreAll clients.
ibrix_top collects performance metrics for file systems, hosts and segments; and displays the
results to the standard output in a form similar to that of the UNIX top(1) command. When the
command is first run, some fields are empty or read zero (0). These fields are populated when the
command is first refreshed.
The command collects data using snapshots. Specifying -s saves the snapshots when the session
ends. By default, ibrix_top creates a temporary directory and writes the snapshots to it. The
directory and snapshots are deleted when the ibrix_top session ends. Specifying -d and a
directory name creates the snapshots in that directory, and that directory is not deleted when the
session ends.
If using the temporary directory, the directory is saved with the snapshot files, and the directory
name is posted so the snapshots can be accessed later.
The following table shows the statistics displayed in each view. Any data reported on a per-second
basis is derived by dividing the cumulative total by the number of seconds in the collection interval.
The default interval is five seconds. It can be changed by specifying a new value with -t. The
larger the cluster, the longer it takes to collect all of the data and the longer the interval should be.
Statistics DisplayedView
Per file system: number of segments, percentage of blocks free, percentage of files free
(where files equals inodes), KB/sec read, KB/sec written, number of new files created/sec,
number of files deleted/sec, and number of file system errors/sec.
Default/File system
Indicates the four busiest StoreAll software tasks; reports on user and system threads.Default/Tasks
Per NIC: KB/sec sent, KB/sec received, bytes/packet sent, bytes/packet received.Default/Network device
Per host: IP address, KB/sec read, KB/sec written, number of new files created/sec, number
of files deleted/sec, and number of file system errors/sec. All metrics also reported as an
aggregate over the interval.
Per local segment: volume group, logical volume, KB/sec read, KB/sec written, number of
new files created/sec, number of files deleted/sec, and number of file system errors/sec.
Identifies the keys to press to change the view and to scroll within a view.Help
Collect and present live views of file system, host, and segment activity:
ibrix_top [-d DIRECTORY] [-s] [-r {host|segment|help}] [-t SEC]
Use the -d option to specify a directory for the collected data. Use the -s option to save the data
collection snapshots when the ibrix_top session ends.
To change the initial view, specify -r and a view name. If you change from the default view and
later want to go back to it, enter -r default.
To set the collection interval, specify -t and a number of seconds.
ibrix_top 189