6.3 HP StoreAll Storage Command Line Reference Guide (TA768-96091, June 2013)

Reclaims file system space used by deleted snapshots.
After deleting snapshots, you can use the ibrix_snapreclamation command to reclaim the
file system space previously used by the snapshots. The reclamation task runs on an entire file
system, not on a specific snap tree within that file system. If a file system includes two snap trees,
space is reclaimed for both snap trees.
Run snapshot reclamation on a file system:
ibrix_snapreclamation -r -f FSNAME [-s {maxspeed | maxspace}] [-v]
The -s option specifies the snapshot reclamation strategy. With maxspeed, the reclamation task
reclaims only the most easily recoverable snapped space. This strategy reduces the amount of
runtime required by the reclamation task, but leaves some space potentially unrecovered (that
space is still eligible for later reclamation). With maxspace, the reclamation task recovers all
snapped space eligible for recovery. It takes longer and uses more system resources than maxspeed.
The default is maxspace.
Display summary status information for snapshot reclamation tasks:
ibrix_snapreclamation -l [-f FSLIST]
Display detailed status information for a snapshot reclamation task:
ibrix_snapreclamation -i [-f FSLIST]
Stop the specified snapshot reclamation task:
ibrix_snapreclamation -k -t TASKID [-F]
Forcibly stops a snapshot reclamation task.-F
Specifies a file system.-f FSNAME or FSLIST
Displays detailed status information for a snapshot reclamation task.-i
Stops a snapshot reclamation task.-k TASKID
Displays summary status information for snapshot reclamation tasks.-l
Runs a snapshot reclamation task.-r
Specifies the snapshot reclamation strategy. With maxspeed, the reclamation task
reclaims only the most easily recoverable snapped space. This strategy reduces the
-s {maxspeed | maxspace}
amount of runtime required by the reclamation task, but leaves some space potentially
unrecovered (that space is still eligible for later reclamation). With maxspace, the
reclamation task recovers all snapped space eligible for recovery. It takes longer
and uses more system resources than maxspeed. The default is maxspace.
Specifies a task ID.-t TASKID
Shows the usage for this command.-?
See also
ibrix_snapreclamation 155