6.3 HP StoreAll Storage Command Line Reference Guide (TA768-96091, June 2013)

Creates and deletes mount points.
The ibrix_mountpoint command immediately creates or deletes the specified mountpoint on
file serving nodes and StoreAll clients. The command fails if the mountpoint already exists.
When creating a mountpoint, use the -o option to specify default mount options that are applied
when a file system is mounted at that mountpoint. You can override the default mount options with
ibrix_mount -o remount new_options if necessary. The new mount options then remain
in effect until the file system is unmounted. When the file system is next mounted or restarted, the
default mount options are again used.
NOTE: For StoreAll clients the intent to create or delete a mountpoint is stored in the Fusion
Manager. When StoreAll software services start on a StoreAll client, the client queries the Fusion
Manager to obtain its mount points. If the services are already running on the StoreAll client when
you create or delete a mountpoint, you can force the client to query the Fusion Manager by running
ibrix_client or ibrix_lwmount -a on the client, or by rebooting it.
Create a mountpoint on file serving nodes and StoreAll clients:
ibrix_mountpoint -c [-h HOSTLIST] -m MOUNTPOINT [-o MOUNTOPTIONS]
Specify the appropriate file serving nodes and StoreAll clients in HOSTLIST. To create a mountpoint
on all file serving nodes and StoreAll clients, omit the -h HOSTLIST option. The following example
creates mountpoint /ifs1 on nodes s1.mycompany.com and s2.mycompany.com:
<installdirectory>/bin/ibrix_mountpoint -c -h s1.mycompany.com,s2.mycompany.com
-m /ifs1
The -o option specifies default mount options for the mountpoint. The values for the -o option are
provided in the table found in “Options” (page 127).
Create a mountpoint on host groups:
ibrix_mountpoint -c -g GROUPLIST -m MOUNTPOINT [-o MOUNTOPTIONS]
Specify the appropriate host groups in GROUPLIST. The following command creates the mountpoint
/ifs1 on the clients host group:
<installdirectory>/bin/ibrix_mountpoint -c -g clients -m /ifs1
Modify mount options on the specified mountpoint:
ibrix_mountpoint -e -o MOUNTOPTIONS -m MOUNTPOINT
To set the options to none, enter " -o '' ".
Delete a mountpoint from file serving nodes and StoreAll clients:
ibrix_mountpoint -d [-h HOSTLIST] -m MOUNTPOINT
Specify the appropriate file serving nodes and StoreAll clients in HOSTLIST. To delete a mountpoint
from all file serving nodes and StoreAll clients, omit the -h HOSTLIST option.
Delete a mountpoint from host groups:
ibrix_mountpoint -d -g GROUPLIST -m MOUNTPOINT
Specify the appropriate host groups in GROUPLIST.
List mount points:
ibrix_mountpoint -l [-h HOSTLIST | -g GROUPLIST][-m MOUNTPOINTLIST]
To list all mount points on all file serving nodes, StoreAll clients, and host groups, omit all options.
126 StoreAll software commands