5.5 HP StorageWorks X9300 Network Storage Gateway Administrator Guide (AW539-96007, March 2011)
Table Of Contents
- X9300 Network Storage Gateway Administrator Guide
- Contents
- 1 Product description
- 2 Getting started
- 3 Configuring virtual interfaces for client access
- 4 Configuring failover
- 5 Configuring cluster event notification
- 6 Configuring system backups
- 7 Creating hostgroups for X9000 clients
- 8 Monitoring cluster operations
- 9 Maintaining the system
- Shutting down the system
- Starting the system
- Powering file serving nodes on or off
- Starting and stopping processes
- Tuning file serving nodes and X9000 clients
- Migrating segments
- Removing storage from the cluster
- Maintaining networks
- Viewing network interface information
- 10 Migrating to an agile managment console configuration
- 11 Upgrading the X9000 Software
- 12 Licensing
- 13 Upgrading firmware
- 14 Troubleshooting
- 15 Replacing components
- 16 Recovering a file serving node
- 17 Support and other resources
- A Component and cabling diagrams
- B Spare parts list
- C Warnings and precautions
- D Regulatory compliance and safety
- Glossary
- Index
Also run the following command, which should report that the console is passive:
<ibrixhome>/bin/ibrix_fm -i
22. Check /usr/local/ibrix/log/fusionserver.log for errors.
23. If the upgrade was successful, fail back the node. Run the following command on the node with
the active agile management console:
<ibrixhome>/bin/ibrix_server -f -U -h HOSTNAME
24. Verify that the agile management console software and the file serving node software are now
upgraded on the two nodes hosting the agile management console:
<ibrixhome>/bin/ibrix_version -l -S
Following is some sample output:
Fusion Manager version: 5.5.XXX
Segment Servers
--------- ---------------------- ------- ------- --------- -------------- ----
ib50-86 5.5.205(X9000_5_5) 5.5.XXX 5.5.XXX GNU/Linux 2.6.18-128.el5 x86_64
ib50-87 5.5.205(X9000_5_5) 5.5.XXX 5.5.XXX GNU/Linux 2.6.18-128.el5 x86_64
You can now upgrade any remaining file serving nodes and X9000 clients.
Upgrading remaining file serving nodes
Complete the following steps on each file serving node:
1. Manually fail over the file serving node:
<ibrixhome>/bin/ibrix_server -f -p -h HOSTNAME
The node will be rebooted automatically.
2. Move the <installer_dir>/ibrix directory used in the previous release installation to ib-
rix.old. For example, if you expanded the tarball in /root during the previous X9000 install-
ation on this node, the installer is in /root/ibrix.
3. Expand the distribution tarball or mount the distribution DVD in a directory of your choice. Ex-
panding the tarball creates a subdirectory named ibrix that contains the installer program. For
example, if you expand the tarball in /root, the installer is in /root/ibrix.
4. Change to the installer directory if necessary and execute the following command:
./ibrixupgrade -f
The upgrade automatically stops services and restarts them when the process is complete.
5. When the upgrade is complete, verify that the X9000 Software services are running on the node:
/etc/init.d/ibrix_server status
The output will be similar to the following. If the IAD service is not running on your system, contact
HP Support.
IBRIX Filesystem Drivers loaded
ibrcud is running.. pid 23325
IBRIX IAD Server (pid 23368) running...
6. Verify that the ibrix and ipfs services are running:
lsmod|grep ibrix
ibrix 2323332 0 (unused)
lsmod|grep ipfs
Upgrading the X9000 Software84