6.2 HP IBRIX 9300/9320 Storage Administrator Guide (AW549-96049, December 2012)

hard quota limit for the directory tree has been exceeded, NDMP cannot create a temporary
file and the restore operation fails.
Configuring NDMP parameters on the cluster
Certain NDMP parameters must be configured to enable communications between the DMA and
the NDMP Servers in the cluster. To configure the parameters on the GUI, select Cluster Configuration
from the Navigator, and then select NDMP Backup. The NDMP Configuration Summary shows the
default values for the parameters. Click Modify to configure the parameters for your cluster on the
Configure NDMP dialog box. See the online help for a description of each field.
To configure NDMP parameters from the CLI, use the following command:
ibrix_ndmpconfig c [-d IP1,IP2,IP3,...] [-m MINPORT] [-x MAXPORT] [-n LISTENPORT]
[-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-e {0=disable,1=enable}] v [{0=10}] [-w BYTES]
NDMP process management
All NDMP actions are usually controlled from the DMA. However, if the DMA cannot resolve a
problem or you suspect that the DMA may have incorrect information about the NDMP environment,
take the following actions from the GUI or CLI:
Cancel one or more NDMP sessions on a file serving node. Canceling a session stops all
spawned sessions processes and frees their resources if necessary.
Reset the NDMP server on one or more file serving nodes. This step stops all spawned session
processes, stops the ndmpd and session monitor daemons, frees all resources held by NDMP,
and restarts the daemons.
Viewing or canceling NDMP sessions
To view information about active NDMP sessions, select Cluster Configuration from the Navigator,
and then select NDMP Backup > Active Sessions. For each session, the Active NDMP Sessions
panel lists the host used for the session, the identifier generated by the backup application, the
60 Configuring system backups