6.2 HP IBRIX 9300/9320 Storage Administrator Guide (AW549-96049, December 2012)

IMPORTANT: Complete the steps in “Prerequisites for setting up the crash capture” (page 50)
before setting up the crash capture.
Prerequisites for setting up the crash capture
The following parameters must be configured in the ROM-based setup utility (RBSU) before a crash
can be captured automatically on a file server node in failed condition.
1. Start RBSU – Reboot the server, and then Press F9 Key.
2. Highlight the System Options option in main menu, and then press the Enter key. Highlight
the Virtual Serial Port option (below figure), and then press the Enter key. Select the COM1
port, and then press the Enter key.
3. Highlight the BIOS Serial Console & EMS option in main menu, and then press the Enter key.
Highlight the BIOS Serial Console Port option and then press the Enter key. Select the COM1
port, and then press the Enter key.
4. Highlight the BIOS Serial Console Baud Rate option, and then press the Enter key. Select the
115200 Serial Baud Rate.
5. Highlight the Server Availability option in main menu, and then press the Enter key. Highlight
the ASR Timeout option and then press the Enter key. Select the 30 Minutes, and then press
the Enter key.
6. To exit RBSU, press Esc until the main menu is displayed. Then, at the main menu, press F10.
The server automatically restarts.
Setting up nodes for crash capture
IMPORTANT: Complete the steps in “Prerequisites for setting up the crash capture” (page 50)
before starting the steps in this section.
To set up nodes for crash capture, complete the following steps:
1. Enable crash capture. Run the following command:
ibrix_host_tune S { -h HOSTLIST | -g GROUPLIST } -o
50 Configuring failover