6.2 HP IBRIX 9300/9320 Storage Administrator Guide (AW549-96049, December 2012)

a file system, use the upgrade60.sh utility. For more information, see “Upgrading
pre-6.0 file systems for software snapshots” (page 153).
Data retention. Files used for data retention (including WORM and auto-commit) must be
created on IBRIX software 6.1.1 or later, or the pre-6.1.1 file system containing the files
must be upgraded for retention features. To upgrade a file system, use the
ibrix_reten_adm -u -f FSNAME command. Additional steps are required before
and after you run the ibrix_reten_adm -u -f FSNAME command. For more
information, see “Upgrading pre-6.0 file systems for software snapshots” (page 153).
5. Review the file /etc/hosts on every IBRIX node (file serving nodes and management nodes)
to ensure the hosts file contains two lines similar to the following: <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
In this instance, <hostname> is the name of the IBRIX node as returned by the hostname
If these two lines do not exist or they do not contain all of the information, open the /etc/
hosts file with a text editor such as “vi” and modify the file so it contains the two lines,
matching the format provided in this step. For example, if the hostname command returns
ss01, then the lines should appear as follows: ss01 localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
6. After the upgrade, the Fusion Manager on each server in the IBRIX cluster must be restarted
1. Restart all passive Fusion Managers.
a. Determine if the Fusion Manager is in passive mode by entering the following
ibrix_fm -i
b. If the command returns “passive” (regardless of failover disabled or not), enter the
following command to restart Fusion Manager:
service ibrix_fusionmanager restart
c. Redo steps a and b for each Fusion Manager.
2. Restart the Active Fusion Manager by issuing the following commands on the active FM
a. Enter the following command to set all instances of Fusion Manager to the nofmfailover
ibrix_fm -m nofmfailover -A
b. To restart Fusion Manager, enter the following command:
service ibrix_fusionmanager restart
c. Enter the following command to set all instances of Fusion Manager to the passive
ibrix_fm -m passive -A
Automated offline upgrades for IBRIX software 6.x to 6.2
Preparing for the upgrade
To prepare for the upgrade, complete the following steps:
1. Make sure you have completed all steps in the upgrade checklist (Table 2 (page 111)).
114 Upgrading the IBRIX software to the 6.2 release