6.2 HP IBRIX 9300/9320 Storage Administrator Guide (AW549-96049, December 2012)

11 Migrating to an agile Fusion Manager configuration
The agile Fusion Manager configuration provides one active Fusion Manager and one passive
Fusion Manager installed on different nodes in the cluster. The migration procedure configures the
current Management Server machine as a host for an agile Fusion Manager and installs another
instance of the agile Fusion Manager on a file serving node.
You can continue to use the Management Server machine as an agile Fusion Manager, or you
can install the agile Fusion Manager on a second file serving node and repurpose the Management
Server machine. Following are some possibilities for repurposing the machine:
For 9300 Gateway systems, if the Management Server machine is a DL380 server and has
the same hardware, CPU, and memory as the other DL380 file serving nodes in the cluster,
you can convert the machine to a file serving node (to support high availability, there must
be an even number of file serving nodes in the cluster). If the machine is not the same model
and configuration as the existing file serving nodes, it cannot be converted to a file serving
The Management Server machine can be removed from the cluster and used as an 9000
client. (For information about installing an 9000 client, see the HP IBRIX 9000 Storage
Installation Guide.)
The Management Server machine can be removed the cluster and used for other purposes.
To perform the migration, the IBRIX installation code must be available. As delivered, this code is
provided in /tmp/X93xx/ibrix. If this directory no longer exists, download the installation code
from the HP support website for your storage system.
IMPORTANT: The migration procedure can be used only on clusters running HP IBRIX 9000
software 5.4 or later.
Backing up the configuration
Before starting the migration to the agile Fusion Manager configuration, make a manual backup
of the Fusion Manager configuration:
ibrix_fm -B
The resulting backup archive is located at /usr/local/ibrix/tmp/fmbackup.zip. Save a
copy of this archive in a safe, remote location, in case recovery is needed.
Performing the migration
Complete the following steps on the Management Server:
1. The agile management console uses a virtual interface (VIF) IP address to enable failover and
prevent any interruptions to file serving nodes and 9000 clients. The existing cluster NIC IP
address becomes the permanent VIF IP address. Identify an unused IP address to use as the
Cluster NIC IP address for the currently running management console.
2. Disable high availability on the server:
ibrix_server m -U
3. Using ssh, connect to the management console on the user network if possible.
Edit the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0 file. Change the IP
address to the new, unused IP address and also ensure that ONBOOT=Yes.
If you have preferred 9000 clients over the user bond1 network, edit the /etc/
sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond1 file. Change the IP address to another
unused, reserved IP address.
Run one of the following commands:
106 Migrating to an agile Fusion Manager configuration