6.0 HP X9320 Network Storage System Administrator Guide (AW542-96009, December 2011)

You should also configure how long to retain staging data and data stored in the statistics database.
The retention periods are controlled by parameters in the /etc/ibrix/stats.conf file.
Aging configuration for staging data: The age.retain.files parameter specifies the
number of hours, starting from the current time, to retain collected data. If the parameter is
not set, data is retained for 30 days by default.
Aging configuration for statistics database: the following parameters specify the number of
hours, starting from the current time, to retain aggregated data in the statistics database for
the cluster and individual nodes.
age.retain.60s: specifies how long to retain data aggregated every minute. The
default is 72 hours.
age.retain.15m: specifies how long to retain data aggregated every 15 minutes. The
default is 360 hours.
age.retain.60m: specifies how long to retain data aggregated every hour. The default
is 1440 hours.
For more information about setting these parameters, see “Changing the Statistics tool configuration
(page 61).
Creating a symbolic link to the statistics reports (histstats) folder
Complete these steps:
1. On the active management console, stop the Statistics tool processes on all nodes. (If this is
a new installation and the Statistics tool is not running, go to step 3.)
# /usr/local/ibrix/stats/bin/ibrix_statscontrol stopall
2. Create a directory named /local/statstool/histstats:
# mkdir -p /local/statstool/histstats
3. Move the histstats folder from /var/lib/ibrix to /local/statstool/:
# mv /var/lib/ibrix/histstats /local/statstool/histstats
4. Go to the folder /var/lib/ibrix.
5. Create a symbolic link histstats that points to /local/statstool/histstats:
# ln -sf /local/statstool/histstats/ histstats
6. Repeat steps 2–5 on all file serving nodes.
7. On the active management console, start the Statistics tool processes on all nodes:
# /usr/local/ibrix/stats/bin/ibrix_statscontrol startall
Updating the Statistics tool configuration
When you configure the Statistics tool initially, the configuration includes information for all of the
file systems configured on the cluster. If you later add a new node or a new file system, or make
other additions to the cluster, you will need to update the Statistics tool configuration. Complete
the following steps:
1. If you are adding a new file serving node to the cluster, enable synchronization for the node
in the stats active management console. See “Enabling collection and synchronization
(page 56) for more information.
2. Add the file system to the Statistics tool. Run the following command on the node hosting the
active management console:
/usr/local/ibrix/stats/bin/stmanage loadfm
The new configuration will be updated automatically on the other nodes in the cluster. You
do not need to restart the collection process; collection will continue automatically.
60 Using the Statistics tool