6.0 HP X9000 File Serving Software Installation (TA768-96041, October 2011)

1. Install the Voltaire OFED drivers on each couplet and client:
[root@ib VoltaireOFED-1.4.2_2-k2.6.18-128.el5-x86_64]# ./install.sh
installation will replace your iscsi-initiator-utils
RPM Uninstalling the previous version of OFED. This may take few moments.
Preparing to install
Verifying installation
Installing 64 bit RPMS
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:libibverbs ########################################### [ 2%]
2:librdmacm ########################################### [ 5%]
3:libibcommon ########################################### [ 7%]
4:libibumad ########################################### [ 9%]
5:libibmad ########################################### [ 12%]
6:opensm-libs ########################################### [ 14%]
7:dapl ########################################### [ 16%]
8:ibvexdmtools ########################################### [ 19%]
9:compat-dapl ########################################### [ 21%]
10:libibcm ########################################### [ 23%]
11:libsdp ########################################### [ 26%]
IMPORTANT: The installation overwrites pre-existing /lib/modules vital to X9000 Software
and NFS protocol. You will need to rename the modules, run depmod -a, and reboot.
Complete steps 2–4 in the procedure “Installing the driver (page 75).
2. Install the UFM Client software on the couplets and clients:
[root@ib~]# tar -xf ufm-client-utils-2.0.0-28.tgz
[root@ib ~]# cd ufm-client-utilst
[root@ib ufm-client-utils]# ./install.sh
Check dependencies ... OK
Checking VoltaireOFED ....... OK
Checking version ... 1.4.2_2
Check the distribution ... Red Hat
Proceed ufm-discover package
ucceed to building ufm-discover package
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:ufm-discover ########################################### [100%]
Proceed ib-gvd package
Succeed to building ib-gvd package
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:ib-gvd ########################################### [100%]
Proceed ufm-client-utils package
Succeed to building ufm-client-utils package
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:ufm-client-utils ########################################### [100%]
Service ufmdiscoverd installed succesfully.
Service ib-gvd installed succesfully.
DHCP client installed succesfully.
Start ufmagentd.
UFM discover proc started
UFM gvd proc started
3. Install the Voltaire UFM server software on the UFM server. This is a Management Server that
is required to manage the Voltaire InfiniBand Switch. This UFM Server is attached to the
Voltaire InfiniBand switch via Ethernet. Refer to the Voltaire documentation for installation
4. The Voltaire UFM GUI automatically adds each server to a full partition. This can be changed
by creating environments, local networks, logical server groups, and logical servers in the
UFM GUI to create limited and full partitions.
Setting up Voltaire InfiniBand 77