6.0 HP X9000 File Serving Software Installation (TA768-96041, October 2011)

8. Select DNS Settings from the menu, and enter the IP addresses for your DNS servers. Also
enter the DNS domain name.
9. Select Networks from the menu. You will need to create one cluster network interface, which
will be used for intracluster communication. The cluster network is bond0 for a 1GbE network
and is bond1 for a 10GBE network. You might also need to create a user network, which is
used for server-to-client communication. The user network is bond1 for a 1GbE network, and
is a VIF on bond1 for a 10GbE network set up during the configuration of the X9000 software.
To create a bond, select <Add Device>.
10 Configuring the management console and file serving nodes on X9300/X9320 systems