6.5 HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
sysctl.net.core.rmem_max: The maximum socket (in bytes)
for the receive buffer size. The default value is 131071.
sysctl.vm.min_free_kbytes: Forces the virtual machine to
keep a minimum number of KB free. The default value is 5742.
sysctl.vm.dirty_ratio: The percentage of total memory
reached when a task will write dirty data. The default value is 40.
sysctl.vm.dirty_background_ratio: The percentage of
total memory reached when the pdflush daemon will write dirty
data. The default value is 10.
sysctl.kernel.panic_on_oops: Initiates a hard system reboot
when the system encounters errors on a kernel panic. The default
value is 1.
sysctl.net.core.netdev_max_backlog: Sets the maximum
number of packets in the global input queue. The default value is
ibrix.config.persona: The name of the active persona. The
default value is ibrix.
ibrix.windows.unmask: The default unmask for Windows. The
default value is 022.
Cluster configuration parameters, which are:-P
gateway: The default cluster gateway/route IP address.
timezone: The time zone in which the cluster resides. Example
formats include America/New_York, US/Eastern, UTC.
regaddr: The IP address of the Primary Fusion Manager (virtual
hostnametemplate: Enter in the format of hostname{number}
.domain (for example, virtual.local).
Queries OS parameters and tunings.-Q
Address range [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn-nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn].-R RANGE
DNS servers.-S SERVER1[,...,SERVERn]
Network setup type.-T SETUP
Bonded slave devices (DEV1,DEV2,...).-V SLAVES
Preconfigured networks.-W DEV
Network category (cluster or user).-Y CATEGORY
Changes the stored configuration.-c
Deletes the stored configuration.-d
Erases address allocations.-e
A list of one or more hosts (HOST1,HOST2,HOST3,...).-h
Shows the stored configuration.-i
Option list.-o keyword
Synchronizes settings on file serving nodes.-s
Shows the usage for this command.-?
ibrix_clusterconfig 41