6.3 HP StoreAll Storage File System User Guide (TA768-96093, June 2013)

The first time a user creates a container, a directory with the numeric user ID of the user representing
that account, is created to hold the container. The container directory within this account directory
is the container name provided by the user in the container creation request. Subsequent containers
created by that user are also stored under the same account directory. Each container contains
the first level directory and then the second level directory containing the SHA-1 hash code for the
file object. The following diagram shows the directory layout for objects created in object mode
API shares.
All file objects have first and second level directories, regardless of any directory paths that might
be present in the user's object ID string. For example, assume you upload a file to
If you traverse the directory structure, the hash file would appear in its second-level directory.
All HTTP commands always contain the following path:
<URL of the file server>/<URL Path of the HTTP
NOTE: The hash name is based off of the object ID string and not of the content. If you have two
different objects with the same ID string, they will be in the same hash directory within the container.
If you upload a file to a container that has the same object ID string as an existing object, it will
replace it.
To find the hash name corresponding to the object ID string of an object stored via the object mode
Finding the corresponding hash name from an object ID 147