HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager CLI Reference Guide (December 2005)

Overview of HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager 17
1-2-4 Editing a Migration Plan
A candidate migration plan created by the CreateMigrationPlan command can be used as-is for migration,
or can be edited as text data by a user as needed.
The format for candidate migration plans is as follows:
Each item consists of an item name, equal sign (=), and value, in that order. Note that only the item name
is specified for pair.
NOTE: Item names are not case-sensitive (for example, storagedomainname and
STORAGEDOMAINNAME are equivalent).
NOTE: Item values are case-sensitive (for example, groupName_1 and GroupName_1 are different
Any space characters before or after the item name, equal sign (=), and value are disregarded.
Specify one item per line. The specification for an item cannot continue over multiple lines.
Lines in which the first non-space character is a hash mark (#) are treated as comments.
Specify item names as follows:
Specify each item name in the order listed in
Table 1-3.
Specify plan-type, format-version, storageDomainName, migrationGroupName,
targetStorageTierName, permitCrossSlprMigration, and permitCrossClprMigration only
once at the beginning of a migration plan.
For each migration source volume belonging to the specified migration group, specify each of pair,
sourceControllerDeviceNumber, and targetControllerDeviceNumber, once each and in that
Specify migration source volumes and migration target volumes as follows:
Specify two controller LDEV numbers, one for the migration source volume and one for the migration
target volume.
For the migration source volume, specify a volume that belongs to the specified migration group.
For the migration target volume, specify a volume that belongs to the specified storage tier.
For migration source volumes that do not require migration, specify the same volume as the migration
source volume for the migration target volume.
Note that different combinations of migration source volumes or migration target volumes cannot be specified
1-2-5 Creating and Executing a Migration Task
When migration is performed based on a migration plan, a migration task must be created and then executed.
Migration tasks can be created by executing the CreateMigrationTask command with a migration plan
specified. A task ID is given to the created migration task.
There are two ways to execute a migration task:
You can execute a migration task immediately by using the CreateMigrationTask command with the
execute option specified.
NOTE: Migration tasks not immediately executed using the CreateMigrationTask command with
the execute option specified, remain in Standby status.
You can use the ExecuteTask command (including the migration task ID) to execute a migration task
that is in Standby status.
Migration task execution requires that a request be made for task execution to the Tiered Storage Manager
server. The actual task execution is performed asynchronously to the CreateMigrationTask command and
ExecuteTask command.
1-2-5-1 Migration task status
Migration tasks can be in any of the following statuses. The GetTasks command can be used to obtain
the status of a task.
Standby: Standby
Overview of HP
StorageWorks XP Tiered
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