HP StorageWorks XP SNMP Agent Reference Guide: HP XP12000 Disk Array, HP XP10000 Disk Array, HP 200 Storage Virtualization System (AE002-96056, May 2011)
NOTE: To set the SNMP Agent properties from HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console
computer, select Extension SNMP on SNMP Information window.
• Manager: The Manager section allows you to add and delete SNMP manager information
(see Adding SNMP Manager IP Addresses).
◦ The IP Address list box: Displays the IP addresses of registered SNMP managers from
which the SNMP agent accepts requests. If no manager is registered, the SNMP agent
accepts requests from all managers. You can register up to 32 managers.
◦ The IP Address text box: Enter the IP address that you want to register as an SNMP
manager. The value of each number in the IP address must be from 0 to 255 inclusive.
◦ Set: Adds new IP addresses to the IP Address list box.
• Community & Trap allows you to add, delete, or change SNMP trap information. The registered
IP address is the trap destination for the specified community.
◦ Each community can have more than one defined IP address (see Adding a Community
Name and Adding Community IP Addresses).
◦ You can register up to 32 community names and up to 32 IP addresses per community
◦ You can use up to 180 alphanumeric characters for a community name. You cannot use
the following: ", \, ;, :, ,, *, ?, <, >, |, /, ^, &, %, and a space before or after the
community name.
• System Group allows you to add, delete or change SNMP system group information. If system
group information has already been registered, the registered information displays. To register
the system group information, the Extension SNMP check box must be selected. When you
register system group information, select Apply. System group information is as follows:
◦ Name: Connected subsystem device name. Remote Web Console users can change the
device name. You can use up to 180 alphanumeric characters for a device name. You
cannot use the following: ", \, ;, :, ,, *, ?, <, >, |, /, ^, &, %, . You can use a space in
the middle of the device name, but not before and after and a space before or after the
device name.
NOTE: The device name is required to use SNMP Agent. Make sure to document the
device name, because settings will be cleared when SVP is replaced.
◦ Contact: Contact information such as personnel and telephone numbers where you can
inquire about the connected subsystem. Remote Web Console users can change contact
information in Modify mode. Enter contact information using up to 180 alphanumeric
characters (ASCII codes), except for some symbols, such as ", \, ;, :, ,, *, ?, <, >, |, /,
^, &, and %. You can also use a space, except before and after contact information.
NOTE: A contact name is required to use SNMP Agent. Make sure to document the
contact name, because settings will be cleared when SVP is replaced.
◦ Location: Location of connected subsystem. Remote Web Console users can change device
locations with the modify mode. You must enter a device location using up to 180
alphanumeric characters (ASCII codes). You can use a space, except for before and after
the location. You cannot use some symbols, such as ", \, ;, :, ,, *, ?, <, >, |, /, ^, &, and
SNMP Information Tab 11