HP StorageWorks Command View XP Advanced Edition Device Manager Agent Installation and Configuration Guide (December 2005)

Device Manager Agent Operations 41
3-2-7 When Changing the hdvmagt Service Execution User
For Windows, the LocalSystem privilege is set up for the user that executes the hdvmagt service of
the Device Manager agent. Follow the steps below to change the hdvmagt Service execution user to
a user with Administrator privilege.
To change the hdvmagt Service execution user:
1. Open the Services window by choosing Management Tools and then Services.
2. Choose the hdvmagt service and stop it.
3. Select Operations, and then Properties.
The hdvmagt property window opens.
4. Click the Logon tab and select Account.
5. Set up the user and password and click OK.
6. From the Services window, choose the hdvmagt service and start it.
3-2-8 When Upgrading the JRE
To upgrade the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on a machine where the Device Manager agent is
installed, you need to perform the following operations to make the latest JRE recognize the Device
Manager agent.
3-2-8-1 In Windows
In Windows, you need to reinstall the Device Manager agent after upgrading the JRE. To perform this
operation, you must have Administrator privileges.
To install the Device Manager agent:
1. Install JRE in any folder.
2. Uninstall version 1.0 of the Device Manager agent.
For details on how to do this, see section
2-7 .
3. Insert the Device Manager agent CD-ROM.
4. From the Start menu, select Run. In the displayed panel, select Browse. In the displayed tree
view, select install.exe in the \Agent\Windows folder of the CD-ROM.
Install the Device Manager agent according to the instructions in the window.
3-2-8-2 In Solaris™, AIX
, HP-UX, or Linux
You must be a superuser to carry out the following procedure.
To upgrade JRE in Solaris™, AIX
or Linux
1. Stop the hdvmagt daemon process, by running the following command:
In Solaris™, AIX
, HP-UX, and Linux
# /opt/HDVM/bin/stop_hdvmagt
# /usr/HDVM/bin/stop_hdvmagt
2. Make sure that the hdvmagt daemon process does not exist by running the following command:
# ps -e | grep hdvmagt
3. Change the name of the JRE1.4 directory in the Device Manager agent installation directory to a
user-specified name.
The following shows an example of executing the command:
In Solaris™, HP-UX
, and Linux