HP StorageWorks 1000i Virtual Library System User Guide (406685-002, October 2006)

Figure 45 View/Edit Virtua l Librar y page
Make sure there are no currently active hosts (initiators) accessing the VL when changing settings.
The following explains each of the items:
Available Space Indicates the amount of space that remains on the appliance.
Used Capa city Indicates how much space on the appliance is currently consumed by the data
stored in the appliance’s virtual devices.
Available VLSs Indicates the number of VLs that you can create (as you create a VL, this number
decreases accordingly) .
Available Virtual Car tridges Indicates the number of virtual tapes that are currently available
for use by new VLs.
Available Virtual Drives Indicates the number of virtual tape d rives that are currently available for
use by new standalone drives and VLs.
VLS # Indicates the number automatically assigned by the VLS GUI.
Name Indicates the Descriptive Name automatically assigned by the GUI.
Library Conguration Accesses the Modify Target Conguration page where you can change
settings such as compression, drive count, car tridge count, and the names of targets.
Host Conguratio n Accesses theEditHost Conguration page where you can change the host
associated with the VL and add IP enforcement.
Display Accesses the VLS Status page, which displays a device summary and a cartridge map.
Drives Lists the number of virtual tape drives assigned to the VL.
Cartridges Lists the number of virtual tapes assigned to the VL.
Library To remove a VL, click Delete the VL.
Unload Drives Click Unload Drives to mark a drive as empt y. This is used in case of a power
interruption when ba ckup applications were running. Unload Drives unloads all of the drives in
the VLS1000i.
Working with the VLS1000i