HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.X Procedures User Guide (AA-RVHWB-TE, September 2005)

158 Troubleshooting
1. Issue the portCfgShow command to display the port speed settings of all the ports.
2. Issue the switchShow command to determine whether the port has module light.
3. Determine whether the port at 1 Gig/sec completes by issuing the portCfgSpeed command, and
then change the port speed to 2 Gig/sec.
This should correct the negotiation by the port setting to one speed.
4. Issue the portLogShow or portLogDump command.
5. Check the events area of the output.
The first of the following examples is 1 Gbit/sec; the second example is 2 Gbit/sec:
sn indicates a speed negotiation.
NC indicates negotiation completion.
01 or 02 indicate the speed that has been negotiated.
If these fields do not appear, proceed to the step 6.
6. Correct the negotiation by issuing the portCfgSpeed [slotnumber/]portnumber,
speed_level command if the fields in step 5 do not appear.
Checking for a loop initialization failure
1. Verify the port is an L_Port:
a. Issue the switchShow command.
b. Check the comment field of the output to verify that the switch port indicates an L_Port.
If a loop device is connected to the switch, the switch port must be initialized as an L_Port.
c. Check to ensure that the port state is online; otherwise, check for link failures.
2. Verify the loop initialization if the port is not an L_port:
a. Issue the portLogShow or portLogDump command.
b. Check argument number four for the Loop Initialization Soft Assigned (LISA) frame (0x11050100).
For example:
The LISA frame indicates that the loop initialization is complete.
3. Skip point-to-point initialization by issuing the portCfgLport command.
The switch changes to point-to-point initialization after the LISA phase of the loop initialization. This
behavior sometimes causes trouble with old HBAs. If that is the case, skip point-to-point initialization.
Checking for a point-to-point initialization failure
1. Issue the switchShow command to confirm that the port is active and has a module that is
If a fabric device or another switch is connected to the switch, the port must be online.
2. Issue the portLogShow or portLogDump command.
14:38:51.976 SPEE sn <Port#> NC 00000001,00000000,00000001
14:39:39.227 SPEE sn <Port#> NC 00000002,00000000,00000001
termB:admin> portlogdumpport 4
time task event port cmd args
11:40:02.078 PORT Rx3 23 20
22000000,00000000,ffffffff,11050100 Received LISA frame