HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.X Fabric Watch Administrator Guide (AA-RVJ0B-TE, September 2005)

Fabric OS 5.x Fabric Watch administrator guide 47
Configuring email notifications
In environments where it is critical that you are notified about errors quickly, you might want to use email
notifications. With email notifications, you can be notified of serious errors via email or a pager, so you
can react quickly.
To configure email notifications in a telnet session, enter the fwMailcfg command at the prompt. The
fwMailcfg menu, shown in Figure , appears.
Figure 12 fwMailcfg Menu
The following sections describe how to use the fwMailCfg menu options.
1: Show Mail configuration information
1. Enter 1 in the fwMailCfg menu (shown in Figure ) to view the current email configuration classes.
The config show menu (shown in Figure ) appears.
Figure 13 Config show menu
The Config Show menu lists each class for which you can provide a separate email address.
2. Enter the number corresponding to the class for which the email configuration should be displayed.
Fabric Watch displays information such as:
The system returns to the main fwMailCfg menu.
2: Disable Email Alert
1. Enter 2 in the fwMailCfg menu (shown in Figure ) to disable email alerts for a specific class.
The Config Show menu (shown in Figure ) appears.
2. Select a class for which Fabric Watch should disable email alerts.
1 : Show Mail Configuration Information
2 : Disable Email Alert
3 : Enable Email Alert
4 : Send Test Mail
5 : Set Recipient Mail Address for Email Alert
6 : Quit
Select an item => : (1..6) [6]
Config Show Menu
1 : Environment class
2 : SFP class
3 : Port class
4 : Fabric class
5 : E-Port class
6 : F/FL Port (Optical) class
7 : Alpa Performance Monitor class
8 : End-to-End Performance Monitor class
9 : Filter Performance Monitor class
10 : Security class
11 : Resource class
12 : FRU class
13 : Quit
Select an item => : (1..13) [13]
Mail Recipient Information
Email Alert = enabled
Mail Recipient = sysadmin@mycompany.com