HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.X Command Reference Guide (AA-RVHVB-TE, September 2005)

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Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide 503
Assigns or displays a port name.
portname [slotnumber/]portnumber, name
Use this command to assign or display a port name. Both port_number and name operands are
optional for this command.
With both the operands present, the port name string will be assigned to the port. With only the port
name operand, the previously assigned port name will be displayed. With no operands, the port names
of all the ports present will be displayed.
The port name is a string of 32 characters or fewer. It can consist of white spaces or printable characters,
excluding the characters comma ( , ) and semicolon ( ; ). By default, a port has no name until it is
explicitly assigned by the user.
A null string (that is, no name specified) is used as the default port name when a port has no
user-assigned name. A port name can be reset to the default value by executing the portName command
with the second operand a null string.
Like all other configurable port attributes, port name persists across reboots and power cycles. It will not
be affected by configDefault command, but it will be cleared by portCfgDefault.
This command has the following operands:
Without operands, the port names of all ports present are displayed.
To name to a port:
See also
slotnumber For bladed systems only, specify the slot number of the port to be
configured, followed by a slash (/).
portnumber Specify a port number to be configured, relative to its slot for bladed
systems. Use switchShow to display a list of valid ports.
name Specify a port name. The port name is a character string from 1 to 32
characters, including spaces and characters excluding commas,
semicolons, and asterisks. To erase a port name, specify this operand as
an empty string. Quotation marks are optional. This operand is optional;
if omitted, it displays the current port name.
switch:admin> portname 1/3, "Tape drive 8"
switch:admin> portname 1/3
Tape drive 8