HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.X Advanced Web Tools Administrator Guide (AA-RVHYB-TE, September 2005)

60 Maintaining configurations and firmware
4. Select the Config Upload to Host radio button.
5. Enter the user name, password, and host IP information.
6. Enter the configuration file with a fully qualified path.
7. Click Apply.
You can monitor the progress by looking at the Upload/Download Progress bar on the Configure tab.
Restoring a configuration
Restoring a configuration involves overwriting the configuration on the switch by downloading a
previously saved backup configuration file. Perform this procedure during a planned down time.
Make sure that the configuration file you are downloading is compatible with your switch model, because
configuration files from other model switches might cause your switch to fail.
Downloading a configuration to the switch
1. Launch the Switch Admin module as described on page 36.
2. Disable the switch, as described in ”Enabling and disabling a switch” on page 39.
You can download configurations only to a disabled (offline) switch.
3. Click the Configure tab.
4. Click the Upload/Download subtab (see Figure 18 on page 59).
5. Select the Config Download to Switch radio button.
6. Enter the user name, password, and host IP information.
7. Enter the configuration file with a fully qualified path.
8. Click Apply.
You can monitor the progress by looking at the Upload/Download Progress bar on the Configure tab.
9. Enable the switch, as described in ”Enabling and disabling a switch” on page 39.
Performing a firmware download
During a firmware download, the switch reboots and the browser temporarily loses connection with the
switch. When the connection is restored, the version of the software running in the browser is different
from the new software version that has been installed and activated on the switch. You must close all of
the Advanced Web Tools windows and log in again to avoid a firmware version mismatch. Note that for
chassis-based switches, you might get pop-up messages that imply the loss of connection is temporary and
will soon be resolved. You still need to close all windows and log in again.
When you request a firmware download, the system first checks the file size that is to be downloaded. If
the compact flash does not have enough space, Advanced Web Tools displays a message and the
download does not occur. If this happens, contact your switch support supplier.
Downloading a new version of the firmware
1. Launch the Switch Admin module as described on page 36.
2. Click the Firmware tab (see Figure 19).
3. Select the Firmware Download radio button.
4. Enter the host IP address, user name, password, and fully qualified path to the file name.
5. Click Apply.
The firmware download begins. You can monitor the firmware download status on the Firmware
Download progress bar.
About halfway through the download process, connection to the switch is lost and Advanced Web
Tools invalidates the current session. (Advanced Web Tools invalidates all windows if upfront login is
enabled, but invalidates only the Switch Admin session, if upfront login is not enabled.)
6. Close all Advanced Web Tools windows and log in again.
If the firmware download is in progress when you log in, you can continue to monitor its progress.