Enterprise Install Console User’s Guide First Edition (November 2009) Part Number: T5437-96013
© Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particul ar purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Overview 2 Requirements 3 Installing Enterprise Install Console 4 Starting the Enterprise Install Console 5 Understanding the Enterprise Install Console display 6 Servers 7 Adding servers manually 8 Adding servers by cloning 11 Adding servers by importing 12 Modifying an inserted server 13 Removing an inserted server 14 Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling servers 15 Scheduled installations 17 Scheduling an installation 18 Modifying sched
Overview Enterprise Install Console allows you to manage your Storage Mirroring Recover, Storage Mirroring Replicate, and Storage Mirroring Data Migration installations, upgrades, and uninstallations from a central location. You can also schedule your installations. Your first step will be to add the servers that you want to install, upgrade, or uninstall to the Enterprise Install Console. Then you can perform or schedule your installations, upgrades, or uninstallations.
Requirements You can install Enterprise Install Console on any 32-bit Windows Server, XP, or Vista machine. Do not install it on a 64-bit operating system. In order to install Enterprise Install Console, you must have the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or later installed. If you have an Internet connection, the Enterprise Install Console installation will download and install Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0. If you do not have an Internet connection, you will have to download the Microsoft .
Installing Enterprise Install Console 1. Close any open applications. 2. Start the installation program using the appropriate instructions, depending on your media source. ● ● CD—Load the CD into the local CD-ROM drive. If auto-run is enabled, the installation program will start automatically. To manually start the program, select Start, Run and specify :\autorun.exe. Web download—Launch the .exe file that you downloaded from the web. 3.
Starting the Enterprise Install Console After Enterprise Install Console is installed, you can start the console by selecting Start, Programs, Storage Mirroring, Enterprise Install Console.
Understanding the Enterprise Install Console display The Enterprise Install Console is a two pane view. The view in the right-pane changes depending on what is highlighted in the left pane. When the Schedule folder is selected, summary information for any scheduled installations is displayed in the right pane. When the Servers folder is selected, summary information for all servers in the Enterprise Install Console is displayed in the right pane.
Servers Before you can manage any installations, upgrades, or uinstallations, you must add the servers that you want to work with to the Enterprise Install Console. You can add servers manually, you can make clones of servers that are already in the Enterprise Install Console, or you can import servers from your Storage Mirroring Recover Management Console.
Adding servers manually 1. Right-click on the Servers folder on the left pane and select Server, New. 2. Complete the fields on the Server Properties dialog box using the following criteria. If you are going to be adding a large number of servers manually, you can reduce manual data entry by setting server defaults. Select File, Edit Note: Default Server and specify any fields that will be identical on your different servers.
located. You must have write access to this location so that the Enterprise Install Console can write temporary files. Therefore, if you are using a CD, copy the files from the CD to the Enterprise Install Console machine. The path you enter will be dependent on the operating system you are using and if the Storage Mirroring installation is from a copy of the CD or from a web download.
● Username—Specify the user that will be used to install on the server you are adding. The user must have administrator privileges on the server you are adding so that the installation, upgrade, or uninstallation can be performed. If the Username and Password fields are protected from editing, the Enterprise Install Console has detected FIPS compliant algorithms for Note: encryption, hashing, and signing.
Adding servers by cloning Once you have a server in the Enterprise Install Console, you can clone that server in order to add additional servers. This saves time because all of the fields on the Add Server dialog box are completed identically to the server you are cloning. You only have to modify the fields required to make the server unique. 1. To clone a server, right-click on the left pane and select Server, Clone. 2. At a minimum, you must change the Server Name.
Adding servers by importing If you have Storage Mirroring Recover running in your environment and you have created server groups through the Management Console, you can import the Management Console server group configuration file in order to populate servers in the Enterprise Install Console. This saves time because a list of multiple servers can quickly be created in the Enterprise Install Console. 1. To import a server group configuration file, select Server, Import Servers. 2. Locate the .
Modifying an inserted server After you have inserted a server in the Enterprise Install Console, you can modify any of the server settings as needed. 1. Right-click the server on the left pane and select Modify. 2. The Modify Server dialog box contains the same options as the Add Server dialog, except the Remote Server Name cannot be changed. Refer to Adding servers manually for details on each field. 3. Click OK to save the server settings.
Removing an inserted server If a server is no longer needed in the Enterprise Install Console, you can remove it by right-clicking on it in the left pane and selecting Remove.
Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling servers You can install, upgrade, or uninstall Storage Mirroring Recover, Storage Mirroring Replicate, or Storage Mirroring Data Migration on a single server, multiple servers, or all servers in the Enterprise Install Console. 1. Select the server(s) that you want to install, upgrade, or uninstall. ● ● ● Single server—Right-click one server in the Servers folder and select Action, Install or Upgrade or select Action, Uninstall.
server that you installed, upgraded, or uninstalled will have a log file. Determine from the log file what caused the error, resolve the error, and then restart the installation or upgrade. The server Status will also show if the server needs to be rebooted, if you selected manual intervention for the reboot. Protection cannot be enabled until the server has been rebooted.
Scheduled installations Enterprise Install Console scheduling provides flexibility to plan your installations, upgrades, or uninstallation to meet your needs. You can schedule your installations, modify existing installation schedules, or remove existing installation schedules.
Scheduling an installation 1. Select the server(s) that you want to schedule. ● ● ● Single server—Right-click one server in the Servers folder and select Action, Schedule Install. Multiple servers—Highlight the root of the Servers folder and then in the right pane select multiple servers. Use the Shift key to select contiguous servers in the list or use the Ctrl key to select non-contiguous servers in the list.
Remove. ● Selected Servers—These are the servers that this schedule will be applied to. Move servers back and forth between this list and the Available Servers list by using clicking Add and Remove. ● Date—Specify the date when you want the scheduled installation to start. ● Time—Specify the time when you want the scheduled installation to start. 3. Once you have your schedule configured, click OK to save the settings.
Modifying scheduled installation After you have scheduled a server for installation, you can modify the schedule as needed. 1. Right-click the server on the left pane and select Action, Schedule Install. 2. The Configure a Schedule dialog box contains the same options as when you created the schedule. Refer to Scheduling an installation for details. 3. Click OK to save the schedule settings.
Removing a scheduled installation If you want to remove a schedule before it is executed, right-click the schedule item under the Schedule folder and select Remove.