Brocade Fabric OS MIB Reference - Supporting Fabric OS 5.3.0 (53-1000439-01, June 2007)

Fabric OS MIB Reference 9
Brocade 7500 / FR4-18i and Brocade MIBs
Brocade 7500 / FR4-18i and Brocade MIBs
Beginning with release Fabric OS 5.3.0, statistics are available for FCIP tunnels, VEX_Ports, or
VE_Ports through the portstatshow command.
The changes in the sensor details for FR4-18i Blade has been incorporated into SNMP. The
“connUnitSensorTable” on page 216 and “swSensorTable” on page 142 display information consistent with the Fabric OS
sensorShow command.
Access Gateway and Brocade MIBs
Brocade Access Gateway supports the following MIBs:
Firmware Upgrades and Enabled Traps
Prior to Fabric OS v4.4, traps were turned on and off as a group (for example, the SW-Trap, or
FA-Trap). In these versions of the Fabric OS it was not possible to set individual traps (such as,
swSensorStatusChangeTrap, swTrackChangesTrap, or connUnitEventTrap).
In Fabric OS v4.4 or above you can to turn on and off traps individually within a trap group. After the
trap group is enabled, the individual traps need to be enabled explicitly.
Because the pre- Fabric OS v4.4 firmware only has trap group level settings, when you upgrade to
the Fabric OS v4.4 firmware or above, individual traps are turned off by default even if the
corresponding trap group was enabled before upgrading. When moving from a downlevel version to
Fabric OS v4.4 or above you must use either snmpmibcapset or snmpconfig command to turn on
explicitly the individual traps within each trap group.
TABLE 3 Access Gateway MIB Support
MIB Name Supported Description
MIB-2 Yes Updated to support Access Gateway in v5.2.1.
Entity-MIB Yes
SW-MIB No Disabled in Access Gateway because the conventions are specific to
fabric switches.
FA-MIB Yes The connUnitSnsTable is not supported because a switch in Access
Gateway does support name server services.
FE-MIB No Disabled in Access Gateway because the conventions are specific to
fabric switches.
CPQ-Rack MIB Limited Supported on embedded switches only.
FCIP MIB Limited Implemented to support WAN interfaces in Fabric OS v5.3.0