Brocade Fabric OS MIB Reference - Supporting Fabric OS 5.3.0 (53-1000439-01, June 2007)

Fabric OS MIB Reference 167
Indicates whether a threshold is enabled or disabled.
Name of the threshold.
For examples, see Table 15.
TABLE 15 swFwName Objects and Object Types
swFwName Objects (swFwName) Object Types (Threshold Names)
envFan001 Env Fan 1
envPS002 Env Power Supply 2
envTemp001 Env Temperature 1
gbicTemp001 GBIC Temperature 1
gbicRXP001 GBIC RX power 1
gbicTXP001 GBIC TX power 1
gbicCrnt001 GBIC Current 1
eportCRCs007 E Port Invalid CRCs 7
eportLink007 E Port Link Failures 7
eportProtoErr007 E Port Protocol Errors 7
eportRXPerf007 E Port RX Performance 7
eportSignal007 E Port Loss of Signal 7
eportState007 E Port State Changes 7
eportSync007 E Port Loss of Sync 7
eportTXPerf007 E Port TX Performance 7
eportWords007 E Port Invalid Words 7
fabricDI000 Fabric Domain ID
fabricED000 Fabric E-port down
fabricFL000 Fabric Fabric login
fabricFQ000 Fabric Fabric<->QL
fabricFR000 Fabric Reconfigure
fabricGS000 Fabric GBIC change 0
fabricSC000 Fabric Segmentation
fabricZC000 Fabric Zoning change
fcuportCRCs013 FCU Port Invalid CRCs 13
fcuportLink013 FCU Port Link Failures 13
fcuportProtoErr0 FCU Port Protocol Errors 13
fcuportRXPerf013 FCU Port RX Performance 13