Zoning Version 3.1.x/4.1.x - User Guide

Table Of Contents
Zoning Concepts
26 Zoning Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide
Zone Management
Zoning may be managed one of three ways: either by logging into the switch via
telnet, via Web Tools, or via Fabric Manager. Any switch in the fabric can be used
to make changes to the zoning configuration. The changes will be replicated to all
the other switches in the fabric only if commands which “close a transaction” are
Zoning commands are executed under the transaction model. A working copy of
the defined configuration is created at the start of a transaction. Each Zoning
command is executed from the working copy.
Note: When a transaction is opened, all new zoning information is placed in a
transactional buffer. The new changes are not applied to the fabric until the transaction
is closed. A transaction is aborted when another switch closes its transaction or by
issuing the command cfgTransAbort. When a transaction is closed, all new and existing
zoning information is applied to the fabric and saved to flash memory.
Commands to Open a Transaction
The following commands can be issued to open a transaction:
aliAdd Add a member to a zone alias
aliCreate Create a zone alias
aliDelete Delete a zone alias
aliRemove Remove a member from a zone alias
cfgAdd Add a member to a configuration
cfgClear Clear all zone configurations
cfgCreate Create a zone configuration
cfgDelete Delete a zone configuration
cfgRemove Remove a member from a configuration
fazoneAdd Add a member to a Fabric Assist zone
fazoneCreate Create a Fabric Assist zone
fazoneDelete Delete a Fabric Assist zone
fazoneRemove Remove a member from a Fabric Assist zone
qloopAdd Add a member to a qloop