Web Tools Administrator's Guide (53-1001772-01, June 2010)

34 Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
Fabric and switch management overview
If the switch is not a member of the selected Admin Domain, most tabs in the Switch
Administration window display in read-only mode, regardless of your permission level. The User tab
is editable because most of its information does not require switch membership in the current
Admin Domain.
FIGURE 14 Switch Administration window, Switch tab
With the exception of switch time, information displayed in the Switch Administration window is not
updated automatically by Web Tools. To update the information displayed in the Switch
Administration window, click the Refresh button.
Most changes you make in the Switch Administration window are buffered, and are not applied to
the switch until you save the changes. If you close the Switch Administration window without saving
your changes, your changes are lost. To save the buffered changes you make in the Switch
Administration window to the switch, click Apply before closing the module or before switching to
another tab.
The License tab, Firmware Download tab, and the Security Policies tab are exceptions. The changes
you make on these tabs take effect immediately and there is no Apply button. There is an Apply
button in all the subtabs of security policies except ACL.
You can also use Telnet commands to perform management tasks. Refer to “Opening a Telnet or
SSH client window” on page 31 for information on how to launch a Telnet window using Web Tools.