Web Tools Administrator's Guide (53-1001772-01, June 2010)

220 Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
Authentication policy configuration
6. Select a DH-Group type.
7. Optional: Set the device authentication policy mode to either off or passive and click Apply.
Configuring authentication policies for F_Ports
Use the following procedure to configure authentication policies for F_Ports.
1. Open the Switch Administration window and click Show Advanced Mode, if not selected.
2. Select the Security Policies tab.
3. Select Authentication on the Security Policies menu.
4. In the Authentication Type field, select DHCHAP.
You must select DHCHAP when you are configuring authentication for an F_Port.
5. Set the switch authentication mode to either off or passive and click Apply.
Distributing authentication policies
Authentication policies are distributed only if all the selected switches accept the distribution. Only
the policy mode is distributed to the selected switches. The switch initiating the distribution must
accept distribution.
Use the following procedure to distribute authentication policies.
You cannot distribute authentication policies in AD0 unless it is the only Admin Domain.
1. Open the Switch Administration window as described in “Opening the Switch Administration
window” on page 35.
2. Select the Security Policies tab.
3. Select Authentication on the Security Policies menu.
4. Click Distribute Policy.
5. Select the switches or click the button to distribute to all.
6. Click OK.
Passive The switch does not initiate authentication but
participates if the connecting switch initiates
Hash A hash function (like SHA or MD5) is used for
Off The switch does not support authentication. Any
authentication negotiation is rejected.