Fabric OS Administrator's Guide v7.0.0 (53-1002148-02, June 2011)
Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 495
Resource monitoring
Displaying the current broadcast configuration
1. Log in to the FC router as admin.
2. Type the following command:
fcr:admin> fcrbcastconfig --show
This command displays only the FIDs that have the broadcast frame option enabled. The FIDs
that are not listed have the broadcast frame option disabled.
Enabling broadcast frame forwarding
1. Log in to the FC router as admin.
2. Type the following command:
fcr:admin> fcrbcastconfig --enable -f fabricID
where fabricID is the FID of the edge or backbone fabric on which you want to enable
broadcast frame forwarding. Broadcast frame forwarding is enabled by default.
Disabling broadcast frame forwarding
1. Log in to the FC router as admin.
2. Type the following command:
fcr:admin> fcrbcastconfig --disable -f fabricID
where fabricID is the FID of the edge or backbone fabric on which you want to disable
broadcast frame forwarding.
Resource monitoring
It is possible to exhaust resources, such as proxy PIDs. Whenever a resource is exhausted,
Fabric OS generates an error message. The messages are described in the Fabric OS Message
You can monitor FC router resources using the fcrResourceShow command. The fcrResourceShow
command shows FCR resource limits and usage and includes the following:
• LSAN zones and LSAN devices — The information shows the maximum versus the currently
used zones and device database entries. Each proxy or physical device constitutes an entry. If
LSAN zones are defined in two edge fabrics, they are counted as two and not one. One device
imported into multiple edge fabrics counts multiple times.
The default maximum number of LSAN zones is 3000. See “Setting the maximum LSAN count”
on page 484 for information on changing this limit.
• Proxy Device Slots — The physical and proxy devices use the 10000 device slots.
The information shows the maximum pool size for translate phantom node and port WWNs and
shows the number of translate node and port WWNs from this pool.
• Phantom Node WWNs