Brocade Fabric Watch Administrator's Guide - Supporting Fabric OS v5.3.0 (53-1000438-01, June 2007)

38 Fabric Watch Administrator’s Guide
Configuring Fabric Watch thresholds
1. Add the numbers beside each state (for the states you want to include). The values for the
states are:
- Errlog - 1
- SnmpTrap - 2
- PortLogLock - 4
- RapiTrap - 8
- EmailAlert - 16
2. Enter the total at the prompt.
1 : change behavior type 11 : change threshold alarm level
2 : change behavior interval 12 : change changed alarm
3 : change threshold boundary level 13 : change belowalarm
4 : change custom unit 14 : change abovealarm
5 : change custom timebase 15 : change inBetween alarm
6 : change custom low 16 : apply threshold alarm changes
7 : change custom high 17 : cancel threshold alarm changes
8 : change custom buffer 18 : return to previous page
9 : apply threshold boundary changes
10 : cancel threshold boundary changes
Select choice => : (1..18) [18]14
Errlog-1, SnmpTrap-2, PortLogLock-4
RapiTrap-8, EmailAlert-16
Valid alarm matrix is 31
Enter above alarm matrix => : (0..31) [0] 19
Index ThresholdName BehaviorType BehaviorInt
216 eportRXPerf216 Triggered 1
217 eportRXPerf217 Triggered 1
218 eportRXPerf218 Triggered 1
219 eportRXPerf219 Triggered 1
220 eportRXPerf220 Triggered 1
221 eportRXPerf221 Triggered 1
222 eportRXPerf222 Triggered 1
223 eportRXPerf223 Triggered 1
Threshold boundary level is setat : Custom
Unit Percentage(%) Percentage(%)
Time base minuteminute
Low 0 0
High 100 80
BufSize 0 0
Threshold alarmlevel is set at: Default
Errlog-1, SnmpTrap-2, PortLogLock-4
RapiTrap-8, EmailAlert-16
Valid alarm matrix is 31
Changed 0 0
Below 0 0