NAS 1000s

Persistent Storage Manager
48 NAS 1000s Administration Guide
Inactive time-out
This option specifies how long the server should try to create a snapshot. A snapshot will not
begin until a period of relative inactivity set by the Inactive period has passed. If an interval
passes that is longer than the Inactive time-out period, the snapshot will not be created and a
notice generated to the system event log.
Image directory
This option specifies the root directory used for the snapshot. Each snapshot appears as a
subdirectory of the volume that is being imaged. The entire content of the volume as it existed
at the moment the snapshot was created will appear under this directory.
Restore Defaults
The Restore Defaults button will reset the system defaults.
Volume Settings
From the PSM screen select Volume Settings. From the Volume Settings screen you can view
the Persistent Storage Manager attributes for each volume and change volume settings using
the Configure button in the Tasks list.
Figure 12: Volume settings
Available Volume
This field lists all of the volumes that can support snapshots. You can select the volume you
want to configure.