HP StorageWorks e1200-320 4Gb Fiber Channel Interface Card User and Service Guide (May 2006)

114 Addressing, structures, and operations
The interface card supports the Peripheral Device Addressing Method and the Logical Unit Addressing
Method, depending on the configuration.
Table 21 Arbitrated Loop Node number to AL_PA lookup table
The data shown in Table 21 comes from the Fibre Channel Configuration Menu (setting the AL_PA value)
on the interface card. The user enters the node number (number to the left of the colon from Table 21) and
the interface card translates the node number into the corresponding AL_PA value (number to the right of
the colon in Table 21).
Auto Assigned addressing option
The Auto Assigned option is similar to the Indexed addressing, but with the distinction that the table used
is created through SCSI device discovery on power-up or reset, and not otherwise retained. As the unit
performs device discovery on the SCSI bus, the Index table FCP LUN values are filled with adjacent FCP
LUNs referencing each subsequent SCSI device. The host system will then detect every attached SCSI
device without voids, allowing full device discovery to the host. This allows easy configuration in
environments where SCSI device ordering is not important, and where hot plugging of SCSI devices will
not occur. Configuration options provide for the SCSI discovery to be performed in order of bus, target, or
LUN as desired for the specific environment.
0:0x01 21:0x2E 42:0x52 63:0x74 84:0xA6 105:0xC9
1:0x02 22:0x31 43:0x53 64:0x75 85:0xA7 106:0xCA
2:0x04 23:0x32 44:0x54 65:0x76 86:0xA9 107:0xCB
3:0x08 24:0x33 45:0x55 66:0x79 87:0xAA 108:0xCC
4:0x0F 25:0x34 46:0x56 67:0x7A 88:0xAB 109:0xCD
5:0x10 26:0x35 47:0x59 68:0x7C 89:0xAC 110:0xCE
6:0x17 27:0x36 48:0x5A 69:0x80 90:0xAD 111:0xD1
7:0x18 28:0x39 49:0x5C 70:0x81 91:0xAE 112:0xD2
8:0x1B 29:0x3A 50:0x63 71:0x82 92:0xB1 113:0xD3
9:0x1D 30:0x3C 51:0x65 72:0x84 93:0xB2 114:0xD4
10:0x1E 31:0x43 52:0x66 73:0x88 94:0xB3 115:0xD5
11:0x1F 32:0x45 53:0x67 74:0x8F 95:0xB4 116:0xD6
12:0x23 33:0x46 54:0x69 75:0x90 96:0xB5 117:0xD9
13:0x25 34:0x47 55:0x6A 76:0x97 97:0xB6 118:0xDA
14:0x26 35:0x49 56:0x6B 77:0x98 98:0xB9 119:0xDC
15:0x27 36:0x4A 57:0x6C 78:0x9B 99:0xBA 120:0xE0
16:0x29 37:0x4B 58:0x6D 79:0x9D 100:0xBC 121:0xE1
17:0x2A 38:0x4C 59:0x6E 80:0x9E 101:0xC3 122:0xE2
18:0x2B 39:0x4D 60:0x71 81:0x9F 102:0xC5 123:0xE4
19:0x2C 40:0x4E 61:0x72 82:0xA3 103:0xC6 124:0xE8
20:0x2D 41:0x51 62:0x73 83:0xA5 104:0xC7 125:0xEF