Compaq StorageWorks HSG60 ACS Solution Software V8.6 for Linux X86 and Alpha Installation and Configuration Guide

1–20 HSG60 ACS Solution Software Version 8.6 for Linux X86 and Alpha Installation and Configuration Guide
For example:
In Figure 1–9, you can restrict the access of unit D101 to host 3, named BROWN, by
enabling only the connection to host 3. Enter the following commands:
If the storage subsystem has more than one host connection, carefully specify the access
path to avoid giving undesired host connections access to the unit. The default condition
for a unit is that access paths to all host connections are enabled. To restrict host access to
a set of host connections, specify DISABLE_ACCESS_PATH=ALL for the unit, then
specify the set of host connections that are to have access to the unit.
Enabling the access path to a particular host connection does not override previously
enabled access paths. All access paths previously enabled are still valid; the new host
connection is simply added to the list of connections that can access the unit.
IMPORTANT: The procedure of restricting access by enabling all access paths then disabling
selected paths is particularly not recommended because of the potential data/security breach
that occurs when a new host connection is added.
Restricting Host Access by Offsets
Offsets establish the start of the range of units that a host connection can access.
For example:
In Figure 1–9, assume both host connections on port 2 (connections BLACK1B2 and
BROWN1B2) initially have the default port 2 offset of 100. Setting the offset of
connection BROWN1B2 to 120 will present unit D120 to host BROWN as LUN 0.
Host BROWN cannot see units lower than its offset, so it cannot access units D100 and
D101. However, host BLACK can still access D120 as LUN 20 if the operating system
permits. To restrict access of D120 to only host BROWN, enable only host BROWN’s
access, as follows: