MIB Reference Manual (Version 3.0)

4-52 MIB Reference Manual Version 3.0
FCSwitch MIB Object Types
swEventDescr [swEventTable]
Syntax Display String
Access Read-only
Status Mandatory
Description A textual description of the event.
Note: The return string is displayed using the following format:
taskId (taskname) errorname description
taskId = FOS taskId in hex.
taskname = FOS taskname that generated this event.
errorname = category-subcategory (for example, SYS-BOOT)
description = Textual description of the event.
For example, 0x10fb7670 (tSwitch) SYS-BOOT Restart reason: Reboot
For more information on error messages, refer to the Fabric OS Reference Manual Version 3.0,
Appendix A.