MIB Reference Manual (Version 3.0)

4-50 MIB Reference Manual Version 3.0
FCSwitch MIB Object Types
sw Event Table
Syntax Sequence of SwEventEntry
Access Not accessible
Status Mandatory
Description The table of event entries.
swEventEntry [swEventTable]
Syntax SwEventEntry
Access Not accessible
Status Mandatory
Description An entry of the event table.
Index swEventIndex
swEventIndex [swEventTable]
Syntax Integer
Access Read-only
Status Mandatory
Description The index of the event entry.
See the note at the top of page 4-49.
Table 4-7 swEventIndex Objects and Object Types
swEventIndex: 4-50 Integer
swEventTimeInfo: 4-51 Display String
swEventLevel: 4-51 Integer
swEventRepeat: 4-51 CountInteger
swEventDescr: 4-52 Display String