MIB Reference Manual (Version 3.0)

4-48 MIB Reference Manual Version 3.0
FCSwitch MIB Object Types
swNsIpNxPort [swNsLocalTable]
Syntax Octet String of size 16
Access Read-only
Status Mandatory
Description The object identifies IpAddress of the Nx_port for the entry.
swNsWwn [swNsLocalTable]
Syntax Octet String of size 8
Access Read-only
Status Mandatory
Description The object identifies the World Wide Name (WWN) of the Fx_port for the entry.
swNsHardAddr [swNsLocalTable]
Syntax Octet String of size 3
Access Read-only
Status Mandatory
Description The object identifies the 24-bit hard address of the node for the entry.