HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS 3.110) (5697-8108, March 2009)

Click OK. Wait one to five minutes, depending on the size of the storage system, and try the command
generating this message again. If you still cannot see the storage system, stop and restart HP Command
View EVA.
HTTP status 404, not found or status 503, no service
The content pane shows an HTTP Status 404, Not Found or HTTP Status 503, No
Service message.
These messages indicate that the server responded, but it could not find the page being requested.
HTTP errors, including 404 and 503, originate from the web server, the HTTP server, or the appliance.
Even when HP Command View EVA cannot respond, the web server continues to respond to HTTP
requests from a browser.
During normal interaction between HP Command View EVA and the web server:
1. A browser requests an HP Command View EVA page.
2. The web server passes the request for the page to HP Command View EVA.
3. HP Command View EVA responds with the page.
4. The web server sends it to the browser.
These errors indicate that a problem is occurring with this normal interaction. Table 7 lists some
possible causes of these errors and their corrective actions.
Table 7 Possible causes and corrective actions for HTTP 404 and HTTP 503 errors
Corrective ActionPossible Cause
Retry the request by clicking the Refresh/Re-
load button on the browser.
404 Error: HP Command View EVA may be initializing
when a browser makes a request. The web returns a 404
(Page Not Found) error because it cannot get the page.
Reinstall HP Command View EVA.
404 Error: A .frm (HTML) file may be missing in the HP
Command View EVA directory structure. This can occur
if the files were changed or if the HP Command View
EVA installation went amiss.
Retry the request when HP Command View
EVA is up.
503 Error: HP Command View EVA may be down when
a browser makes a request. The web server returns a 503
(No Service) error because it cannot access the page.
Retry the request when the appliance and HP
Command View EVA are up.
Browser timeout: The appliance may be down or the web
server may be unavailable when a browser makes a re-
quest to HP Command View EVA. In this case, the browser
will time out internally.
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (VCS
3.110) 59