HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array connectivity for Linux installation and reference guide (5697-7041, November 2007)
Compiling the driver for multiple installed kernels
If your system has multiple kernels installed on it, you can compile the driver for all the i nstalled kernels
by setting the I
NSTALLALLKERNELS environmental variable to y and exporting it by issuing the
following comm
You can also use
the -a option of the INSTALL script by entering the following command:
# ./INSTALL -a
Uninstalling the Linux components
To uninstall the comp onents, you can use the INSTALL script with the -u option as shown in the
following example:
# ./INSTALL -u
If you want to manually uninstall all the components or you want to uninstall just one of the components,
use one or all of the following commands:
# rpm -e fibreutils
# rpm -e hp_qla2x00
# rpm -e hp_qla2x00src
Using the source RPM
In some cases, you may have to build a binary hp_qla2x00 RPM from the source RPM and use that
manual binary build in place of the scripted hp_qla2x00src RPM.Youneedtodothisifyour
production s
erversdonothavethekernelsourcesandgcc installed.
If you n e ed to build a binary RPM to install, you will need a development machine with the sam e kernel
as your targeted production servers. You can install the binary RPM-produced RPM methods on your
production s
ThebinaryRPMthatyoubuildworksonlyforthatkernelandconfiguration that you build on (and
possibly some errata kernels). Ensure that you use the 7.xx version of the hp_qla2x00 source RPM
for 2 .4 kernel-based distributions and the 8.xx version of the hp_qla2x00 source RPM for 2.6
kernel-based distributions.
1. Install the source RPM by issuing the following command:
# rpm -ivh hp_qla2x00-version-revision.src.rpm
2. Choose from one of the following directories depending upon your Linux distribution:
• For Red H at distributions, enter the following comma nd:
cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
• For SuSE distributions, enter the following command:
cd /usr/src/packages/SPECS
3. Build the RPM by using the following command:
# rpmbuild -bb hp_qla2x00.spec
HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array connectivity for Linux installation and referen ce guide